The Twenty-Fourth Feather: The Mental Knife

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Levia was the first one to reach the train, thanks to his impossible speed, and he proceeded to jump up high and land on its roof. He muttered: "Alrighty, time to put these knuckles to work!" and punched the metal below his face rapidly, creating massive dents that quickly became one hole large enough to fit his wide body. Now it was a matter of getting past his guards and then effectively breaking the happy marriage between his head and his shoulders.

In the meantime, let's switch perspective to the target of those two parties, okay? Mr. Earhart was sitting inside the car just behind the cockpit, surrounded by a handful of bodyguards and one special guard assigned by the organisation. This person in question was, and still is, considered the best bodyguard that money can hire. Their name was unknown, simply going by 'Tendon'.

The most prominent aspect relating to Tendon is that they were completely androgynous by intention, making sure that no one can tell their gender. As for their appearance, they wore a basic black suit and tie, and had grey hair with a somewhat greenish tint to it and said hair was styled strangely, with five large bangs sticking away from their face, almost like the fingers of a hand.

Back to the situation at hand, the executive, despite being protected by the best, was extremely anxious. Tendon approached him and asked: "Is there something bothering you, sir?"

Earhart: "Yes, it's a rumour that's been going around for a while, mostly."

Tendon: "Is it about the return of the Nameless Eater?"

Earhart: "Essentially. I've been told that he's our enemy again, effectively putting us at a great disadvantage. I mean, let's be real, the US army couldn't stand a chance against him during World War Three, what chance do a few guards have?"

Tendon: "Sir, If the Nameless Eater was to find his way on board, I will dispose of him however I can. I am not known for combat, but I excel at protecting my clients."

Earhart: "Couldn't you say that with even a little enthusiasm?"

Tendon: "No."

Suddenly, one of the guards burst out of the door and informed the main group that there was a buff man fighting his way to them. Earhart unsurprisingly started panicking, but Tendon quickly slapped him across the face and got him to calm down. That bodyguard instructed the other ones to keep their eyes on the executive while Tendon went to investigate the approaching threat.

Meanwhile, Levia was beating his way through every single security member with his bare hands, making it seem like child's play, until he eventually met his ultimate opponent for the day. Levia saw Tendon staring at him with a completely deadpan face, prompting him to break the ice: "Good morning, you. You look different enough from these faceless minions to warrant a greeting, I think. So, uhh, I'm guessing you're here to beat my ass right?"

Tendon: "..."

Levia: "No response, eh? What's your deal? Anything I should know about before we start?"

Tendon responded emotionlessly: "I am Tendon. That is all." and raised their hand in front of their eyes and obscured their opponent, then they clenched their fist and called upon their familiar. Abruptly, the roof was opened up like a can of tuna and a gigantic hand grabbed Levia while his guard was down. He exclaimed: "Woah! What the hell?! Where did this oversized arm come from?!" but he received no response from Tendon, who remained completely silent.

While that was happening, Meggie caught up and saw the massive arm which didn't seem to have an end, since it looked like it came from the distant horizon, perhaps like a cartoon. The kids were confused, reasonably, and decided to continue running hop inside the vehicle once they got far enough from the fight. Levia was being squeezed like a stress ball, causing him discomfort at worst. He grinned at Tendon and asked loudly: "What? Not even gonna humour me with a response?!" And started pushing away the fingers enough to let himself free and fight back. Once the opening was made, he crossed his arms and shouted: "Ten Rubicante Chopsticks!" increasing his speed in order to continue running on the roof in order to reach the front and expire the executive's free trial of living. In response, Tendon called upon several hundred hands that appeared out of nowhere and formed a massive, fleshy hand snake.

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