The Tenth Feather: OH! That's a baseball!

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A few days later, it was time for the big baseball game. Corna, like I mentioned before, wasn't interested in the sport itself, but rather who will be showing up. She intended to perch up on a high spot like an eagle and scout the crowd with her eyes and binoculars that she appropriated one way or another.

The game itself went on for a few minutes and it was all business as usual but someone from the other school quickly caught Corna's eye, specifically the pitcher. There was just something off about him, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. After observing him more, she saw him strike out three batters in a row without breaking a sweat. Corna assumed that he was just some baseball prodigy, but an odd thing became apparent when she switched her focus from the pitcher to the ball he was pitching, which was moving at nearly the same speed as a bullet, which was more than enough to decapitate someone if he was to aim incorrectly. She immediately realised the absurdity at play and thought to herself: "That can't be right! I've read one time that the world's fastest pitch was around one hundred and five kilometres an hour! Should I go and take a closer look? I mean, it doesn't match her powers at all, so I guess it'd be a waste of time."

In the end, she decided to keep watching from afar. A few swings and misses later, the teams switched and the kid she was spectating was the first batter. The pitcher, who was one of her classmates, was preparing to swing and while doing so, Corna saw that, while the kid's head was facing the pitcher, he was staring directly at her. She didn't think anything of it until her classmate threw the ball. Corna thought: "Okay, let's see how good of a batter you are, Pitch the Kid." And saw him not only hit it on the first try, but also aim it precisely at her. Corna barely dodged the high speed projectile, but lost her balance and fell off the pole she was standing on. It wasn't an issue, thankfully, since she was able to just sprout a pair of wings and land safely. At that point, Corna was pissed. She knew she didn't need to, but she really strongly wished to beat him up, and Corna always made sure to get whatever she wanted.

One issue became front and centre once she realised that it was impossible to replace one of the teammates in front of a live audience. So, she did the second best thing she could think of and sneakily replaced the kid wearing the mascot costume, which was a raccoon.

The game continued in the same manner as before, but the hurdles just kept piling up on Corna. Beyonders, as mentioned before, feed off of emotional energy mainly from creatures, but often tend to absorb emotional residue from certain environments. The raccoon costume she was wearing unfortunately contained a very dense amount of joy energy, so dense that Corna's body forcibly absorbed it which ultimately led to being overwhelmed with sheer joy and excitement to the point where she was dancing and singing with a comical level of enthusiasm. She was completely unable to control herself to the point she forgot what she was even supposed to be doing. She missed every chance to confront Pitch the Kid after the match ended and was very bitter once the grown ups got the costume off of her. Although the mission was a resounding failure, Corna managed to lock onto a person of interest.

Tenth Feather:


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