The Twenty-Ninth Feather: L'étranger, The Traitor

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Below the Statue of Liberty, countless miles away from the castle, the four traitors were sitting idly and waiting for V. Ziggy whined: "Shit's boring as hell! Where is that damn girl?!"

Demogorgon: "Patience, my friend..."

Maneki: "Still, she is taking a very long time. Perhaps she got into a conflict."

Demogorgon: "I doubt that... She is a very resourceful girl... She wouldn't fight a losing battle..."

Killakee: "Meow."

Ziggy: "Do we look like we have food, fur-bag?! Quit being greedy, ya douchebag!"

Killakee: "Meow."

Ziggy: "Ha, nice try with that mind control shit! It don't work when we don't think you're the shit!"

Maneki: "What is he on about?"

Demogorgon: "Killakee, the cat you see before you, can... control people's minds... only if they see him as adorable..."

Maneki: "I see."

Ziggy: "I'mma let you know I'm a dog person, ey! I won't waste my time with ya silly gags, ey!"

Killakee: "Woof."

Ziggy: "...You can't be serious."

Maneki: "Just give it up, Killakee, You'll just tire yourself more."

Killakee: "Meow."

Maneki: "If that's all you wanted, then you didn't have to try controlling him in the first place. Come over here."

After several minutes spent idly standing and scratching Killakee's back, a magic door finally appeared and out of which stepped out V, along with two young L'étrangers. Maneki greeted his split up partner: "Good evening, L'étranger. You look different, did you lose weight?"

L'étranger*2: "Choke on a dick."

V: "Where did you keep her other pieces?"

Maneki: "They're in my Belial's Dark. Having four unconscious quintuplets piled on each other would've drawn way too much attention."

L'étranger*2: "Good, at least one of you is doing the thinking."

Ziggy: "I ain't tryna be too much a bother, How we gon' put her back together?!"

L'étranger*2: "Good question. I believe Biscuit here has a solution."

Demogorgon: "Biscuit...?"

L'étranger*2: "It's an old nickname."

Once Maneki brought the pieces from his pocket dimension, V took out the black cube that her sister became and removed the feather, restoring her to proper shape. Penelope looked around, her entire body aching in pain, and frantically asked: "What? Huh? Where? Why? What? What? Where am I?! Who are you people?! V?! What're you doing here?!"

V: "Penelope, please put L'étranger back together."

Penelope: "What?! L'étranger?!"

L'étranger*2: "Sup."

Penelope: "B-but how?! I scattered you all over-"

Maneki: "Yes, but that's already a story far behind us. Accept defeat and do as she said."

Penelope: "T-traitor! Traitors, all of you! Daddy gave his body and soul to make our world fun and carefree and all you want is to tear it all down?! You're all monsters! You're horrible!"

L'étranger*2: "Cat-boy, put her in the timeout dimension before this gets out of hand."

Penelope: "And sister V, how could you stab us in the back like this?! Daddy loved you the most! He sent you on all the cool missions! And I liked you, too! I'm gonna tell Daddy about all of you! And he won't have any mercy to spare!"

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