The Seventeenth Feather: Eat Your Meat While Thinking Of Her

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After a long day of work, it's only natural to want to relax a little. So, the obvious call was to take some time out of her busy schedule to entertain herself.

She let her worries wash away for the time being and sunk down into her pillow, pondering how she felt that she was forgetting something until she finally remembered, and by that I mean that she was reminded by one of her many alarms that she was supposed to meet up with her affiliate a few hours ago. 

She thought to herself: "Oh, shit." and kicked away the man she was having intercourse with, shouting: "Get out of me, you son of a bitch! I have places to be!" and headed to the shower. The man asked loudly about where she was going, agitated by the abrupt call-off. She stepped out of the shower in a hurry and answered: "To do my job, what else gets me out of bed these days?" before kicking him out and preparing herself for departure. She dried and styled her hair, put on her clothes, mainly consisting of a black pantyhose, short jeans and black tube top. She wore her boots and her winter coat, put on her door ring, and summoned a magic door leading to the location of their meeting.

She stepped through and was immediately hit by the sudden change of temperature, thinking to herself: "Jesus Christ, who the hell lives in this weather?!" despite it being only fifteen degrees celsius. She stepped up to Levia's restaurant and knocked on the door, only to receive no response. She wondered: "Strange, is he still on the job? No, that can't be it. He might be grocery shopping right now. I guess it's my fault for showing up five hours late."

Since there was no one inside, she sat by one of the tables outside and waited until he finally showed up. He walked up to her, covered in dust and torn clothes. She rested her head on her palm and commented on his state: "Jesus, you ain't looking too good."

Levia: "...It wasn't there."

Her: "...I don't see any kids with you, so I'm guessing they're the 'it' you're talking about."

Levia: "Do you... Have any fucking idea... How hard it is to search an underground science labyrinth while having a knife-throwing maniac on my tail the entire time?"

Her: "And you ultimately failed, no?"

Levia: "What do you think?"

Her: "Ah, you disappoint me, Serpent. Here I thought you were that unstoppable force you were hyped up to be."

Levia: "Don't pass the blame on me, bitch, you're the one who gave me the wrong information."

Her: "Not in your lifetime, motherfucker. If there is anything I never get wrong, it's my information. Haven't you gathered yet that it's because you made a fool out of yourself and exposed yourself from the get-go? Maybe you're just a shitty, worthless accomplice."

Levia: "It's not like I can retract these fucking horns and change my skin colour like a chameleon, now can I? Maybe next time grow a brain and send someone who can blend in better!"

Her: "Some people just can't help but double down when they're wrong."

Levia: "Look who's talking! Fuck you!"

Her: "Eat my ass, bitch! You ain't shit! I'll leave you to fucking starve if you keep your bullshit up!"

While they were both growling at each other like feral cats, they were interrupted by a third person: "I'm sorry, did I come at a bad time?"

They both looked toward that person and saw that it was Yoko, who wanted to drink something and ease her mind from her less than pleasant day. Levia's conversation partner stared with a confused expression on her face and asked: "Who the fuck is this bitch?"

Yoko: "Excuse me?!"

Levia: "Watch your fucking mouth, she's a customer."

Her: "Oh right, you're still insisting on working this silly side hustle of yours."

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