The Fifty-Fifth Feather: The Gilded Heart of Darkness

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Much, much earlier, Yoko got up from yet another insomnia-ridden night, ready to begin another day. She performed her usual morning routine, kissed her portrait of Chris Hemsworth goodbye, and took the train to her job all the way in Texas. At one point she thought: "Hm, maybe I should move to Texas if I have to travel this far everyday. If I do, Should I take everyone else with me or not? Hmm..."

Later on, she got off of the train, having to squeeze her way through the dense crowd when she saw something jump off of the train's roof out of the corner of her eye. She thought: "Huh? That almost looked like that dog Corna had. I wonder if she's nearby, if that is him, supposedly. But I'm sure he's been either captured or killed, since that disaster he caused the other day. Oh well, I've got better things to worry about. Namely..."

After a bit of walking, she entered an empty bar hidden deep in a tight alleyway. She walked up to the bartender and he greeted her, saying: "Good morning, Yoko. Glad to see you are still not dead."

Yoko: "Thanks, very motivating of you, big guy. Give me five beers, twenty shots of tequila on ice, thirteen shots of vodka, and seven more beers."

Bartender: "You're going to give your liver one hell of a workout, Yoko."

Yoko: "Haha, very funny. Hurry up, I'm on a tight schedule."

Bartender: "Of course, come this way."

The two of them then entered an unassuming broom closet and typed on a hidden keypad the password '520137', which activated the elevator, which was disguised as a broom closet, and they both descended down. Yoko muttered while being crushed against the wall: "Damn... Do you really have to go down with me everytime...?"

Bartended: "Yes, Alessandro personally put your safety, along with the safety of the secret project, in my hands."

Yoko: "I get it... but couldn't they install a bigger elevator if they knew your large ass would be going down?"

Bartended: "This bunker was only recently purchased and recycled into a hidden lab. Just suck it up and wait."

Suddenly, a thunder strike was faintly heard by them. Yoko wondered: "Strange, I could've sworn the sky was crystal clear earlier."

Bartended: "Chances are, it's the sound of some superpowered people fighting on the surface."

Then they heard several more thunder strikes. "And that confirms it." He added.

A while later, the elevator reached the bottom and both Yoko and the bartender proceeded down the hallway until they reached the end where a metal door stood before them. The bartender went back to the elevator and Yoko entered the room where she would continue her job of figuring out the Florida kids, who were still so close but so far from becoming fully human.

After another long elevator ride, the bartender reached the surface and stepped outside to breathe some fresh air. That was when, suddenly, the ground started to violently shake. "An earthquake too?! Just what kind of fight are these people getting into these days?!"

Then something peculiar appeared. Up in the sky, A black heart rose out of nowhere in the distance. This strange occurrence aroused the curiosity of a lot of people, the bartender included, who used their smartphones to take photos of it. However, upon zooming in, that black heart was a lot larger than it seemed. It was about seven metres in height and ten in width and if one was to look carefully, they would see that there was a door and a window on it.

A few moments later, a shadowy figure with large horns opened the door a little and poked its head out of the opening. It opened its mouth, letting out a deafening scream, and the entire state of Texas was wiped off of the surface of the earth.

Fifty-Fifth Feather:


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