The -- Feather: Johan Olsen

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It's been a few weeks, but Helheim was still breaking loose with no signs of stopping.

Corna was sitting in front of the fireplace alongside Jake, waiting for Johan to come back from another one of his professional outings.

She grabbed his attention: "Hey, Jake."

Jake: "Woof? (Yes?)"

Corna: "When will this weather end?"

Jake: "Woof. (I don't know, but hopefully soon. This house's durability is being brutally tested.)"

Corna: "Yeah, it really feels like this place doesn't have much time left. What should we do?"

Jake: "Woof. (I have said this before, but this cannot be natural. Johan said that people from the outside were trying to send in rescue teams to escort the citizen of that town, but they couldn't even get close without being blown away. It's almost like there's a colossal tornado surrounding us.)"

Corna: "Yeah, I bet that's totally what it is."

Jake: "Woof (That doesn't bode well for us, I hope you understand that.)"

Corna: "...Oh, I did not put that through the brain grinder."

Jake: "Woof (We need to figure out a way out of here, or else we will be risking dying for real.)"

Corna: "Shoot, you're right... Maybe we can dig underground?"

Jake: "...(...)"

Corna: "Stupid idea, I know."

Their conversation was interrupted at that moment by Johan, who just returned and immediately collapsed on the floor.

They ran up to him and asked worriedly: "Johan! Are you okay?!"

Johan: "Ugh... This is only getting harder..."

The duo helped him to the couch by the fireplace and heard from him about the latest developments outside.

Corna commented on the news: "Damn, that makes a total of thirty destroyed houses now."

Johan: "Yes, and shelters are either running low on space or becoming too deteriorated to keep people safe."

Corna: "Shit, we can't keep going like this, we'll all die for sure!"

Johan: "Well, what can we do in the first place? No one can leave and no one can come in to help us, we're completely on our own in this cold hole."

Corna: "Jake and I were talking about that a few minutes ago. This blizzard is definitely supernatural. Id est, the work of something related to Beyonders."

Johan: "I wouldn't be surprised. Even so, there's nothing we can do about it at this point."

Corna: "... Maybe we can do something?"

Johan: "Got any ideas?"

Corna: "One thing we could do is track down the perpetrator. I have the power to make them cease, if you get my meaning."

Johan: "Interesting, it's possible. But at the same time, why would they be inside the disaster they're making?"

Corna: "Because it's involuntary."

Johan: "Pardon?"

Corna: "Think about it. It can't be because of an ensuing fight, it's taking way too long, and it can't be an attempt at terrorism, because they would've just destroyed the town from the get-go. It could be a hostage situation, but we would've been freed by now if that was the case. All in all, the blizzard is some kind of involuntary action by some supernatural entity at the heart of the blizzard."

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