The Seventy-Ninth Feather: The BloodRed Day

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Back to me and my followers, I sheathed my root sword back inside my head and leaned down to inspect my kill, like a curious cat, prompting the actual cat to ask: "Meow? (Sir, can I ask you something?)"

Me: "You want to know why I killed her, right?"

Killakee: "Meow. (yes.)"

Me: "Well, let's just say that I have some plans for her dead body."

Killakee: "Meow. (Umm...)"

Me: "...Shoot, that sounded like I was going to fuck her corpse. Ahem, I'm not a necrophiliac, I kill people with no hesitation but I wouldn't stoop that low, I swear to myself."

Killakee: "...Meow. (...Sure, what should we do now?)"

Me: "I think it's time to leave, we've spent basically twenty-five chapters in this forsaken hole and it's about to fall apart now."

Killakee: "Meo-? (Wha-?)"

Suddenly, the ground started cracking and breaking apart slowly, letting rays of light shine through. "Kinda like that." I added.

Ziggy: "What the hell is going on with the ground, this shit is splitting all around."

Me: "The black heart was destroyed by a very angry canine a second ago, so now the labyrinth is falling apart."

Killakee: "Meow? (And what does that mean for us and the people in here?)"

Me: "For us, it doesn't mean anything, but for the Texan people, they'll probably be shot straight into space."

Killakee: "Meow? (Shot into space?)"

Me: "Yeah, shot into space. Do you know why elevators are usually slow and have roofs over them? A very fast and open-ended elevator could fling a man up to the stratosphere if it was long enough. If you haven't gathered yet, the labyrinth hole we're in is the elevator in this scenario and it's going to fling everything on it with the absurd speed of rising from the core of the earth to its surface in the span of thirty seconds. And naturally, that's fast enough to crush literally everyone and everything here into a flat wasteland, so the ascension itself is the big problem."

Killakee: "Meow... (Oh, God...)"

Me: "Yeah, but at least the history books will have a fun time telling kids about this. I shall dub this day; 'The Bloodrain Day' because of... I shouldn't have to spell it out, it's very obvious."

Killakee: "Meow? (Isn't there any way to stop this from happening?)"

Me: "Nope. Hey, you're quite the sentimental guy, Killakee. It seems you have at least some level of care for at least someone. How about this, let's play a little game."

I picked up Yoko's corpse, stepped closer toward the cat, Ziggy and the kids and sprouted some extra hands to obscure their vision for a moment, and upon removing them, I revealed to them that we teleported to the grassy field where Jake's beast kingdom was running wild. "Me-Meow! (Wh-What the hell is going on here?!)" asked the cat.

I answered: "Okay, here's what going on; since the black heart was destroyed, no one can leave except for me and my followers, obviously, so if you're willing to risk yourself to save the state and its inhabitants, then you'll have to get to Vitamorte and Dantalion and have them create a new heart before time runs out. But seeing as this place is extremely chaotic, I doubt they'll be harmonious enough to do that. Unless you interfere, of course. If you win, everyone's saved and you get a favour from me, if you lose, you'll be among the indistinguishable red mist that will permeate the sky in a glorious doomsday omen event. Alright, chop chop, get to it! The gang and I will be upstairs in the real world, you won't believe what story developments occurred to L'étranger and Demogorgon. The audience will read about it soon enough. Oh, I forgot to mention, you have half an hour starting...Now."

BEYOND 3A: BloodRed and ScaleBlackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن