Function Cube_80(): The_Tower && The_Future;

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 Their side of the story began after they dropped off Levia, Ziggy, and Killakee in Texas and returned to Florida.

She let out a deep sigh and said: "Well, now that the seed has been planted, let's see what we can do about those blueprints."

Demogorgon looked down at her superior and asked: "My Goddess... I must ask you... Was it necessary to trick Levia like this...? It feels... cruel..."

L'étranger: "Honestly, fuck him. I hope his transformation is filled with nothing but endless agony worse than hell. Aside from that, it's for our bright future, isn't it? We've gone too far to worry about cracking one egg."

Demogorgon: "I see... Forgive me for asking..."

L'étranger: "Eh, no worries. You don't know the context behind my hatred for him."

Demogorgon: "May I... Know that context?"

L'étranger: "He killed my sister, that's what he did. She loved him and all he did was devour her and leave nothing of her behind. I know this won't kill him, but it's the first move of a very, very long game of chess. But you needn't stress your beautiful head, Demogorgon, when the pieces fall to their place, and the deal becomes sealed, you'll have your place in our new world, same as the other and..."

She stopped talking once she noticed that Demogorgon was zoned out, her face more red than a tomato, fantasising due to being complimented by her. She nudged her with her elbow and asked: "Hey, are you listening?"

Demogorgon: "A-ah! Forgive me...! I lost my focus after you... well... S-Shall we go to ALMACA?"

L'étranger: "God, you're so precious. If we succeed, I'll treat you tonight. Wink wink."

When she heard that, her face almost exploded with the sheer amount of blushing, so much so, you could almost see her mouth watering.

"Y-Y-Y-YES! LET'S MAKE OUR WAY THERE POST-HASTE!" She yelled while lost in her fantasies.

L'étranger pointed her first at the ground in front of them and summoned her door, which was made out of several magenta-coloured cubes, all of which had the number '14' engraved on them.

They stepped through and ended up on the rooftop of Alessandro's skyscraper, prompting the tall lady to look down and comment: "Gosh... This is a very dangerous height..."

L'étranger: "C'mon, don't tell me you're afraid of heights."

Demogorgon: "I do not... But I suspect that we don't have many ways to get inside the building while we're on the rooftop... other than jumping off..."

L'étranger: "We won't need to. Don't worry, our stop is simply right below us."

Demogorgon: "I see... Shall I carve your way?"

L'étranger: "I love how you can read my mind."

She then walked a few steps in a direction, pointed down, and said: "Here, please~!"

Without any hesitation, Demogorgon stood in her place, sprouted two swords out of her back, and used them to cut open a hole for them as if it was a can.

The cut-out circle fell down with her still standing on it and landed precisely on the CEO's head, prompting him to nonchalantly say: "I spent half an hour drying my hair, and now you've dirtied it."

Demogorgon jumped away and faced him as he stood up, blocking the light with his unbelievably shredded body, and chucked the ceiling circle out of the curtain wall behind him. He commented: "Well, this is new, I've never seen such a gorgeous woman try to assassinate me before. I'd feel honoured if I wasn't pissed about the hole you put on my roof."

Silently, Demogorgon painfully sprouted four more arms out of her back, each holding a sword, and began juggling them while walking toward him slowly. He continued to comment: "Oh, that's Archimedes' swift ball of death technique! I'm almost impressed by how he consistently sends his goons after my knowledge."

Demogorgon: "I have no affiliation with that man... I follow a more virtuous, perfect leader!"

She dashed at him with the intent to dice him up, but all of her sword shattered on impact, prompting him to say: "Thanks, that spot was beginning to itch." before he flicked her away with his finger, sending her flying across the room. "Now, if you would be so kind as to leave my property, that would be wonderfu-" He demanded just before being interrupted by L'étranger who shouted: "Camio! Picture Box!" trapping him in a box of invisible walls. "And here comes a new challenger."


Return: (END);

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