The Eleventh Feather: And He's a Gig Worker Now?

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"Are you there yet?" Asked a mysterious caller. "Yes, now can you fucking stop calling me every two seconds?" replied Levia while standing firmly in front of the ALMACA building with his flip phone to his ear, unsure of what exactly he's required to do. The caller playfully asked him: "Tell me, does this place bring back any memories?"

Levia: "How would you know whether I'd have memories here or not?"

Caller: "I told you already, there's nothing about your filthy, disgusting self that I don't know about! If I didn't hate your guts, I'd say that I'm your biggest fan."

Levia: "For me, I just hate your guts."

Caller: "I dunno, last time I checked, you loved my guts."

Levia: "Shut up and just tell me what I'm supposed to be doing here."

Caller: "Well~! Little birdie told me that there's some special toddlers deep down underground."

Levia: "How special are we talking?"

Caller: "Special enough to warrant your services, big guy. What I need you to do is to go down there and find those two kids. They're both white-haired twins, so they'll be easy to spot."

Levia: "...Anything else I should know?"

Caller: "Those kids can't speak or stand up, and if you startle them, they'll die on the spot."

Levia: "What?"

Caller: "That's the way it is, we don't get to have easy jobs. Point is, try putting on a cute face when you get down there and kidnap at least one of them. I know it's difficult for a pathetic, ugly fuck such as yourself but you should try anyway, I'll be at our usual meeting location in thirty minutes."

Levia: "Thirty minutes?! Who do you think I am?!"

Caller: "Levia, that's who I think you are. Now go get 'em, Serpent!"

Levia: "Wait wait wait, We're gonna need some context."

Caller: "I don't feed you to think, Sea Serpent, I feed you to do my laundry work."

Levi grunted and hung up on the caller, thinking to himself: "Ugh, I still can't believe I let myself be outplayed by this bitch. Fine, the sooner I get it over with, the better."

Levi let out a sigh, put his hands in his pocket, and entered the building. The first thing he was met with was Nigel Monteroy staring him down with his hands also in his pockets. They stared at each other for ten seconds until Nigel recited a bible verse: "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."

Levia: "Yeah, I missed you, too."

Nigel: "What do you think you're doing here?"

Levia: "I'm just here for a short gig."

Nigel: "Get out."

Levia: "No. Also,where did that fiery attitude of yours go?"

Nigel: "Don't be mistaken, I am as excited as always to cut you down to atoms, but we are in a sacred working environment. It would be awfully rude to disturb everyone here, wouldn't you agree?"

Levia: "Oof, when did you start caring about disturbing people? Hahaha!"

Nigel: "Hahaha."

Levia: "Hahahaha!"

Nigel: "Hahahahaha!"

Without any warning, they both began swinging at each other with their respective blades. Nigel was throwing his virtually endless supply of knives while Levia was armed with his massive bread knife and everyone in the reception area all fled for their lives in the meantime, allowing them to fight with their utmost.

Meanwhile, Yoko was in the underground secret lab, trying to warm up to the Florida Girl by utilising toys she borrowed from one of her next door neighbors. The first thing she decided to try and accomplish was getting her to stand up straight.

Yoko held the Florida Girl by the armpits from behind, gently advising her on every step. She managed to stand up for a few seconds, but she fell down regardless: "We got really close! Good job, sweetie, let's try again."

Florida looked at her with a troubled expression, prompting Yoko to reassure her: "Don't worry, practice makes perfect! Take as much time as you need, there's no hurry. Let me help you up."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, startling the Florida Girl and beginning to suffocate her. Yoko thought quickly and gently inserted the breathing apparatus' tube into her nostrils. After she laid her on her bed, she angrily opened the door revealing her boss' secretary, Dece. Yoko whispered angrily: "What do you think you're doing?! You shouldn't be making loud, sudden noises here!"

Dece: "My apologies, but we have an issue."

Yoko: "It better be important."

Dece: "I don't know, does the fact that there's a guy raiding the building as we speak seem important?"

Yoko: "What? Are you being serious right now?"

Dece: "Yes, why else would I waste my time and tell you about it?"

Yoko: "...Hold on, why are you telling me?"

Dece: "Because I have a good hunch that he's after the Florida kids. I'm sure I don't need to explain why."

Yoko: "Oh no. Is there something I can do?"

Dece: "Take them and hide deeper underground. Monteroy is warding him off as we speak."

Yoko: "Mister Monteroy?! What the hell is he going to do?! Call security! Or better yet, call the organisation."

Dece: "Hehe. After last year's stunt? No chance. If anything, they'll send support for the guy wrecking our shit, not us. However, I wouldn't worry too much, Monteroy is not just some guy."

Yoko: "Oh, so he's a Shifter?"

Dece: "Shifter? No, no, Santo, he's much more than that. Much, much, much more..."

Eleventh Feather:


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