Function Cube_88(): The_Key_To_The_End || The_Key_To_The_Start

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"Well, here we are. What now?" wondered Dennis, who, along with Meggie and Iblis, travelled all the way to the Texas' border at the Wound's request.

"Hey! You two! I'm up here!" Shouted Imogen, who was stationed on the rooftop of some random building along with her butler and moped.

Upon making their way up there, Dennis wasted no time, demanding: "Alright, mister know-it-all, do you want to expand on some of the cryptic nonsense your hand told us?"

Imogen: "First off, that's miss know-it-all. Second, I don't know, let's find out."

Once she rolled up her sleeve once again, the Wound woke up and shouted: "Tell me, American, is it true that in capitalist America, you can't play Bingo longer than five hours?"

Dennis: "Why does he keep saying things like this?"

Imogen: "No clue."

The Wound: "FASCINATING! Now I assume you're here for more exposition?"

Dennis: "That, and I'm a bit curious about this whole thing."

The Wound: "An entire state is about to be ripped asunder and you're only 'a bit' curious?"

Dennis: "Sue me."

The Wound: "Whatever. Before that, though, let's hide inside Iblis' ship, you'll thank me later."

Iblis: "Sleepover!"

The Wound: "Hell yeah!"

Both Dennis and Imogen shared the same thought: "Wow, these two really like each other."

Once everyone was sucked into the small UFO, they all sat around the large monitor and Dennis asked: "Okay, now are you going to start explaining 'the fusing' or whatever you called it?"

The Wound: "It's the merging', blondie. Although the merging is... Hm, A lot of terms will be lost in translation. Tell me kid, do you know what Beyonders are?"

Dennis: "They're ghosts or demons or something like that, right?"

The Wound: "No. They're human consciousness made manifest. Each represents a different concept upon which their abilities are built upon."

Dennis: "Then, what do you guys represent?"

The Wound: "I, Penemue, represent 'knowledge', Iblis over there-"

Iblis: "Sup."

The Wound: "Represents 'curiosity'. And Murmur... Ah, sorry, wrong name. And Corna represents Memory. And lastly, the Beyonder inhabiting your body, Malacoda, represents 'force'."

Dennis: "Okay...? And what does that have to do with the combining?"

The Wound: "The merging. We'll get there. Now tell me, is there any reason why Beyonders can't be seen by the naked eye or any kind of eye?"

Dennis: "Hm, I was actually wondering about that. Why is that?"

The Wound: "Because, little man, Beyonders exist on a separate layer of reality. In simple terms, imagine a two layer cake."

Meggie: "Cake~... I'm hungry!"

The Wound: "The reality in which we exist is the two cakes stacked on top of each other and the layer inhabited by Beyonders is the frosting in between."

Dennis: "Hm... Okay, I can imagine that. But that makes me wonder, do Hylics like these guys exist there too?"

The Wound: "No, achieving the Hylic state is a form of total migration. Trust me, no one likes that layer, nothing exists there but feral, uncontrollable, God-like entities that fight endlessly for no apparent reason. That layer, which will become relevant in a moment, is called 'The Original Nest'."

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