- Feather: Alone and Miserable

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"It hurts... God, it hurts so much..."

Corna was in a state of constant, powerful pain due to the sedative she was injected with. She couldn't move, see, hear, smell, or feel anything. All that was laid out in front of her was agonising nothingness.

The deafening silence was shortly broken by a voice echoing through her mind, saying: "Well, it seems that this is the end of your journey, little one."

Corna thought in response: "M-Murmur... Did you show yourself to laugh at me...?"

Murmur: "Laugh at you? Please, that's far too barbaric for a lady like me. I just wanted to bring you up to speed about a certain thing or two."

Corna: "...W-what?"

Murmur: "You, the one named Corna, are going to die. In a minute, Lestrade is going to decapitate you."

Corna: "...N-no..."

Murmur: "Yes, it's a sad truth and an unavoidable one. You're going to die the way you lived, alone and miserable. I truly wish I could continue tormenting you, but it's about time for things to go back to the way they're meant to be."

Corna: "...N-no... Jake... He'll..."

Murmur: "The dog? Don't worry, he's going to die too. But seeing that he's a Nameless, he'll shake it off. You, on the other hand, will pay the price of playing around with my body. The only thing I can promise you is clarity, once the dust settles, every card will be flipped and every chip will go to its rightful owner."

Corna: "..."

Murmur: "But I must say, you were quite the interesting person to observe. The way you carry yourself from one bad decision to another so ungracefully, it was a good way to stave off boredom. However, as I'm recalling the memories, I do like this thing you did a few months ago. The time you murdered a child. It was unlike anything I've ever seen."

Corna: "I...I h-had no choice... I had to..."

Murmur: "Oh, sure, you were pressured to do it by some spirits living in your ear, I bet. Just face it, at the end of the day, you are still Murmur, and you'll go through anyone to get what you want, even if it means getting your hands soaked in blood."

Corna: "Stop...Stop, please..."

Murmur: "Oh well, old habits die hard, as they say. Aside from that, it seems that our time together will come to an end in about ten seconds. And once those seconds pass... I. Will. Be. Whole."

[Negative One] Feather:


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