Function Cube_82 (): The_Scythe || The_Sister;

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[Segment: Side_A()]


Back to L'étranger and her wacky escapades, she managed to trap Alessandro in an invisible box and jumped down to Demogorgon's side. She asked her: "Are you alright?"

Demogorgon: "I am... uninjured..."

Alessandro: "Yet."

L'étranger quickly pointed her finger at the box and swiped upward, causing said box to rise a few metres in the air. Alessandro sat down, crossed his legs, and asked: "So, are you two here to kill me, or...?"

L'étranger: "No, we're just here to steal some stuff."

Alessandro: "Uhuh, quite the bizarre strategy to just crash into my office. All I've got is weights and protein buckets in this place."

L'étranger: "I know."

Alessandro: "Babe, if you wanted gains, you could've just asked. I do workout tutoring sessions online."

L'étranger: "No... Wait, what? You do?"

Alessandro: "Yeah, it's surprisingly unpopular."

L'étranger: "... Nevermind, questions for later. Here's what's gonna happen; We'll be extracting information out of your brain. What information, though, is none of your business."

Alessandro: "No, I'm certain it's all my business. And how exactly are you going to do that? Gonna tickle me to death?"

L'étranger: "We're just gonna scoop out your brain."

Demogorgon: "We are...?"

L'étranger: "We are."

Alessandro: "But isn't that the same as killing me?"

L'étranger: "Oh, please..."

Her expression then abruptly transitioned into that of a cunning fiend and she told him: "I know what you are."

Alessandro: "Ho?"

L'étranger: "You're not really a human being, are you?"

Alessandro: "Is that your hypothesis? What tipped you off, huh?"

L'étranger: "Call me a pervert all you want, but for a man clad in tight clothes, there's a noticeable absence of a bulge in your pants."

Alessandro: "That's quite the wild assumption. Ever considered that I might have gotten a vasectomy? Or that I don't have male genitalia?"

L'étranger: "...Wow, if you're just gonna say that..."

Alessandro: "I am perfectly secure about myself."

L'étranger: "you know what? I know you're just messing with me. It's not those other things because of another thing to add to the list of evidence."

Alessandro: "Shoot your shot, maybe you'll come off less homophobic this time."

L'étranger: "...The horns."

Alessandro: "Horns? Whatever are you talking about?"

L'étranger: "Hylic Beyonders all have horns, but only few people know that their horns can come in countless shapes, sizes and locations in the body. Yours, big guy, are sticking out of the roof of your mouth, like two fangs at the top centre of your pie hole."

Alessandro: "Very well, looks like the cat's out of the bag. You got me good, babe, you got me good. Now, what does this prove exactly?"

L'étranger: "...That you won't die when I scoop out your brain because you'll reincarnate."

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