The Eighth Feather: The Florida Kids

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The following day, Yoko enthusiastically began her first day as an official test subject. Unfortunately, her services weren't needed as frequently as she would have thought, leaving her on standby in the breakroom most of the time. Yoko was bored, as to be expected, and decided to go on social media and see what was going on in the world. Four things caught her eye, one of them being the collapse of the northern M.I.S.S.I.O.N organisation base, which she already knew about, but that post was about rumours involving a replacement for it.

The second one being about a baseball game next week involving the school Corna goes to.

The last thing was the guy she saw yesterday, the one with horns sticking out of his eyes. It seemed that a lot of people were having discussions about him, and as it turned out, he wasn't an agent from the organisation. So naturally, people started calling him a vigilante and debated who's side he's actually on. Yoko didn't care that much, she just liked his dragon-like aesthetic.

The last, most important thing she read about was that the mass insomnia going on was occurring all over the world, not just in people, but in animals as well. Despite that, though, no one was displaying any of the expected effects of prolonged sleep deprivation aside from exhaustion. While the doctors of ALMACA and every other medicinal group were investigating the cause and the possibility of a cure, they encouraged people to take sleeping medicine. "Good God, literally no one on the planet can sleep! This cannot be natural. Not a chance. I wonder if it's some kind of virus, but then again, what kind of apocalyptic story is this? A virus spreading to the entire planet instantly, that's way too ridiculous to be true. Let's hope those guys can crack this case open."

Time passed, and someone knocked on the door. "Uh, come in!" She said, unsure of why that person would knock to enter a public room. The man in question was the vice president and Alessandro's right hand man, Nigel Monteroy.

"Ah, good evening, sir."

"Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ." He said, "What chapter is this verse from?"

Yoko was thrown off by the sudden quiz and fumbled around trying to answer: "That's uhh- C'mon, I know this one... ummm... Peter?"

Nigel audibly cracked a smile and said: "I like you."

Yoko: "T-thanks?"

Nigel: "Enough about me. Alessandro wants to have a word with you."

Yoko: "Oh, alright, Tell him I'm on my way."

Nigel: "No need."

Yoko: "Huh?"

Nigel: "I was just here to give you a heads up. Depending on your answer to my earlier question, that is."

Yoko: "...Heads up? For wha-"

Suddenly, Alessandro burst through the wall with his bare fist and stepped inside, this time wearing a suit.

Yoko screamed in a panic, but her boss was quite calm about what he did and he greeted her: "Good evening, Miss Santo."


Alessandro: "Calm down, Santo, we have more doctors here than oxygen molecules."

Yoko: "Couldn't you just go through the door, sir...?"

Alessandro: "Doors are nothing but a weak man's cowardly mindset."

Yoko: "I feel like if I keep learning about you, boss, I'll end up having a stroke. Is there anything you wanted to tell me?"

Alessandro: "Why yes I do. I want to let you in on a secret project we've been working on for quite a while, and it just so happened we were short on raw meat to help us. Do you want to participate?"

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