Function Cube_81(): The_Bird || The_Disk;

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[Segment: Side_A()]


While that whole thing was going on, Catherine, who I'm sure you remember fondly, especially when her leg was crushed by rubble, was doing her own thing. Speaking of which, the thing she was doing was heading to the blacksmith's workshop to get herself a new leg thanks to Beth's recommendation.

Following the doctor's direction, she managed to find his workshop rather quickly, which was on the outskirts of JacksonVille. Before she stepped inside, she encountered Sam, who was leaving that place. She exclaimed when she saw her: "Oh, hey Catherine!"

Catherine: "Good morning, Sam."

Sam: "Holy moly! What happened to your leg?!"

Catherine: "It was an accident. It was crushed by a large piece of debris. The other day"

Sam: "Oof. I'm guessing you're here to get a prosthetic leg?"

Catherine: "Yes, actually."

Sam: "Yay! That makes us the prosthesis sisters! The one-legged duo!"

Catherine: "Your enthusiasm is both reassuring and highly disturbing."

Sam: "Good luck! I just got done getting mine repaired, so I'll be heading back to the casino!"

Catherine: "Okay. Hold on, Sam, a quick question."

Sam: "Yeah?"

Catherine: "Have you... Seen Desmond by any chance? He's still missing."

Sam: "Sorry, but I haven't the slightest clue."

Catherine: "Oh..."

Sam: "But it'll all turn out alright, trust me!"

Catherine: "..."

After Sam glided away with her roller skates, Catherine proceeded inside. She looked around, admiring the many magically-enchanted weapons, gears, and equipment until she came across the man himself. He greeted her: "Good morning, ma'am. Are you Catherine Caddick?"

Catherine: "Yes, and you're Tubalcain, right?"

Tubalcain: "Indeed, I'm Tubalcain, the first blacksmith. Now, Beth called me the other day and debriefed me on what happened to you, so let's not waste time. Come this way."

He then sat her down on a chair and measured her remaining leg and checked its weight to deduce which prosthetic would work best for her.

He asked her: "So, you're a hitman, right?"

Catherine: "Yes, though, I'm more of a gun mechanic... But since the hitman regime ceases to exist right now, I guess I'm the only legally recognised hitman in the state at the moment."

Tubalcain: "I see, so they haven't found Desmond yet."

Catherine: "You know him?"

Tubalcain: "Know him? I taught that boy everything he knows about guns. He wouldn't have been the top dog gunman around these parts had it not been for me."

Catherine: "I appreciate that, though I'm confused since he never mentioned you to us before."

Tubalcain: "Yeah, just because I taught him doesn't mean he likes me. I'm pretty sure I'm the only man he fears. Hell, for the brief time we worked together in the Northern base, all he did was dodge me at every turn."

Catherine: "I see. Well, I'm glad you made it out of that tragedy safely."

Tubalcain: "Yeah, I lucked out, honestly. Unlike the Abbess, God rest her gentle, ever-weeping soul."

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