The Fifty-Third Feather: Z1GGY-2-BE - Disorientation ft. Caitlyn

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A little while earlier, while everyone else was still on the surface, Caitlyn, the daughter of the warden who doubled as a guard, came into her father's office with a cup of tea and biscuits. He thanked her: "Thanks, Caitlyn. I swear, nowadays I feel like I'm getting too old and worn out to be moving around, let alone supervise a whole prison."

Caitlyn: "Don't say that, You're still in your late...Thirties? Forties? It doesn't matter, all I know is that it's just stress that's wearing you down. Drink your tea before it gets cold."

Warden: "Y'know, when we accepted to merge with M.I.S.S.I.O.N, I thought it would've been smooth sailing from that point onward, but the work didn't decrease, it freaking quadrupled!"

Caitlyn: "I told you it was a bad idea, those people used to have a whole fortress up on the north pole or something a whole damn year ago! How are you surprised now that they found a place to dumb their prisoners, they threw hundreds upon hundreds our way! Hell, the security you hired wasn't even passable, they all got their shit wrecked."

Warden: "That's true, but since the escape attempt that happened last week-"

Caitlyn: "Attempt?"

Warden: "Hush. Since then, Alex provided us with some highly trained men from his jurisdiction. He even expanded the building to accommodate the increasing size of inmates!"

Caitlyn: "What's shocking is how fast those builders were. I mean, the building doubled in size in five days, that's nothing to sneeze at."

Warden: "Well, yes, that's true. Although there was one thing that they found way below us."

Caitlyn: "Is it a treasure chest?"

Warden: "If only. When they were digging for space down there, they were blocked by some kind of hard surface that they couldn't break. It was like titanium, they said."

Caitlyn: "Interesting, I might write about that later."

Warden: "Well, suit yourse-"

Suddenly, the siren started blaring and they heard several guards frantically running toward the exit. The warden pressed a button on his landline and contacted the front desk, demanding a report. The guy on the other end had this to say: "Hold on a sec... uhuh, yep... There is a decapitated child with wings flying after a green bee humanoid that is also the size of a child. Yeah, It's as ridiculous as it sounds... Update, they're beating the shit out of the guards... Another update, there's another person entering the building. Male, thin, muscular, and he might be hostile...Update, he's rapidly approa-OH MY GO-" Then the phone hung up.

After taking all of that in for a few seconds, Caitlyn armed herself with a gun and ran out to do something about the latest disaster to befall that place.

On her way, though, she encountered the third person who made himself known. She stared at Ziggy in confusion, regarding his appearance and the bucket in his hand, prompting him to do a hand sign and rap: "I'm a delegate of the Cross-out Party, you do look to me a bit smarty, so here's the deal, little shawty, move away or you'll eat pain like charity." However, Caitlyn didn't humour him and just simply fired a bullet at his knee to incapacitate him. Strangely though, right when the bullet was about to make contact with him, it started twisting, turning, and flying all over the place at constantly changing speeds, as if it didn't know which way was left or right, until it put a hole in the ceiling. Caitlyn was shocked by what had unfolded before her and tried shooting him again and again, only for every bullet to swerve around like drunken bees and miss their target. Ziggy said: "How about it, you bitch? Maybe you won't need a stitch."

Angered, she aimed to fire at him again but right when she pulled the trigger, Ziggy shouted: "BANG!" forcing the gun to fire in the opposite direction of its barrel, planting its last bullet deep inside Caitlyn's shoulder. She fell back in pain, clutching her wound and bleeding a lot, and grunted: "How...?! What the hell did you do...?!"

Ziggy answered her while walking past her into the deeper darkness of the hallway: "That's my Byleth, baby. Never underestimate me."

Caitlyn: "Are you telling me to not underestimate you...? Well, I didn't... I estimated you perfectly... You're a weak-ass wannabe... 'Rusalka', Get out!"

Upon her command, an apparition appeared behind him, taking the appearance of a hunchback swamp hag holding a fruit basket. That apparition was Caitlyn's Hylic Beyonder, Rusalka. Ziggy jumped away and prepared to fight it with his bare hands instead of relying on supernatural power. Caitlyn got up, her wound somehow dried shut, and said: "Rusalka, give him everything... And leave nothing!"

Rusalka: "Yes~!"

This is when things started going off the rails for Ziggy, because when he opened his mouth to say something, an excessive amount of water started pouring from his mouth nonstop, like a waterfall. Caitlyn told him: "All of that isn't coming from nowhere! It's all the water in your own body forcibly being exorcised from your body!"

Unable to breath or use his Beyonder, Ziggy ran toward her to knock her out, but most of his body had already gotten stiff and dry. He understood what was happening and shut his mouth to swallow his fluids back, but as soon as he did, he felt the water going directly into his lungs, forcing him to open up again and try to gasp for air fruitlessly. Caitlyn picked up her gun again to fire at him, but sadly, it was out of ammo, so she did the second best thing and punched him repeatedly in the head to make him drown faster. He tried to block her, but the moment he raised his hand, she kicked his leg and wrapped herself around his head, putting him in a choke hold, grunting: "Just die already! Save us an extra space!"

Ziggy was moments away from death by a lack of oxygen, so he had to find a way to bail himself out, he gurgled some incomprehensible sounds from his mouth and by the use of his ability, the water started doing the same thing the bullets did, and additionally took on shapes far too divorced from the standard ball-esque shape. In other words, some were shaped like cubes, some like stars, some like hexagons, and so on and so forth with more complicated or simpler shapes. Then, by some miracle of strength, he picked himself up, lifting her as well, and slammed her on the ground as hard as he could. Her grip loosened and he managed to escape. Unfortunately, he was far too dehydrated to do much, so he opted to flee for now and find a faucet to drink out of. As he was walking away, though, Caitlyn got up and persisted in apprehending him. She caught up to him in order to tackle him down, but when she got close enough, the lid on the bucket suddenly opened and Levia sprung out like a Jack in the box, punching Caitlyn in the head as hard as he could, recoiling her back onto a table on which she hit her head and instantly lost her consciousness. He turned to Ziggy and told him: "We don't have time for this, you walking corpse! drink some water and go deeper down already before those fuckers send backup."

Fifty-Third Feather:


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