The Sixty-First Feather: Artistic Loop

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Elsewhere, Jake, Zoe, and Ziggy were marching their way through the freezing tundra until they found a decrepit building, failing to match its surroundings like the previous one. Zoe said: "Alrighty, let's see where this one will lead us."

Upon walking through the entrance, the trio found themselves in a simple museum. Ziggy said: "There ain't no need to see 'em, I think this is a museum."

Zoe: "You're right, it's the Dallas museum of art! I've been here once!"

Jake: "Woof! (If that is the case, then I believe we are still in Texas, despite the countless spatial inconsistencies.)"

Zoe: "I don't know what you're trying to say, green man! Do you know sign language?"

Jake: "Woof. (no.)"

Zoe: "I'll take that as a no..."

Ziggy: "The dog said we're still in the state, no need to further elaborate."

Zoe: "Wait, really? You can understand him?"

Ziggy: "I am fluent in Dogenese, that's why I always carry these."

He rhymed without actually pulling anything out to make sense of the rhyme. Zoe and Jake opted to just ignore his nonsense and head deeper inside. The girl turned her head to the rapper and asked: "Excuse me, mister Z1GGY-2-BE?"

Ziggy: "Hm?"

Zoe: "I know this is weird to ask but... How did I end up here?"

Ziggy: "Reunion of the Beyonder is making our lives harder, a black heart came in and prolly did us all in. Now we're trapped in a maze, wandering the eternal haze!"

Zoe: "I... That doesn't make any sense... For one, the last thing I remember was that I was in New York city. My memory's pretty hazy, though..."

Jake: "...(New York? Has this strange event spread to the entirety of the United States? That cannot be right...)"

Zoe: "Are you guys sure that I'm not in purgatory, waiting to be judged by God for my sins?"

Jake: "I...Hope not..."

Zoe: "I wouldn't mind if that was the case, living in a world like this is just too difficult."

Jake: "...Agreed..."

Ziggy: "Agreed."

Zoe: "So, anyway... Who's that guy over there?"

When they heard what she said, both Jake and Ziggy diverted their gaze toward the end of the spacious hallway and saw a shadowy figure with horns standing very still. Immediately, they both prepared themselves to engage in combat in case things got out of hand, but those things in question strayed far from their expectations. The mysterious entity abruptly unleashed a deafening scream, causing the room they were in to twist and turn unpredictably and uncontrollably and in a moment, the trio were now standing on different surfaces of the room. Zoe exclaimed: "Woah, how are you guys standing on the walls like that?!"

Jake: "Bark! (You tell me! You're the one on the ceiling!)"

Ziggy: "Now this shit ain't right, y'all gotta solve this plight."

Zoe: "...Oh! Gravity switched! It became different for each of us!"

Jake: "Woof! (Damn it, how are we supposed to progress now?)"

Ziggy: "It's best to go our separate ways, it's best to not spend entire days."

Zoe: "Noooo! You can't expect me to wander around in this godforsaken maze! I'll die for sure!"

Ziggy: "That's your own turd cake to deal with, an unfortunate fate to lead with."

Jake: "Woof. (Hold on, I'll accompany you.)"

Zoe: "Again, I don't-"

Much to her surprise, Jake transformed into an eagle and flew up to her. She exclaimed: "What the?! You can transform into animals?! No wonder you're green!"

Jake: "Bark? (What does my skin colour have to do with my ability, aside from being a 'Nameless'?)"

Zoe: "Aaaaaand you're still barking. Great."

Ultimately, Ziggy split off from the two and headed in whichever direction was available to him.

Following Jake and Zoe for now, they continued down a hallway exhibiting many paintings, statues, and the like, and Zoe was more than willing to continuously rant about each one, elaborately detailing the history of each one without being asked to, much to the chagrin of Jake. He interrupted her rapid-fire monologue by forcing out the words: "You... Know a lot..."

Zoe: "Oh, that's just how it is, y'know? What else is someone like me supposed to do? I didn't have any meaningful hobbies when I was alive."

Jake: "Alive...?"

Zoe: "Sorry. I'm still under the impression I'm dead. Anyway, do you have any hobbies instead?"

Jake: "...No..."

Zoe: "Ah, glad to see I'm not the only one on this miserable, mossy boat. Are you looking for something here? I get the impression that you are."

Jake: "I am... Searching..."

Zoe: "For what? Maybe I can help?"

Jake: "Do not... Worry... about it..."

Zoe: "Oh, come on! Don't leave me with nothing to do! Is this my hell punishment? To be bored for all eternity? Is this what limbo is like?"

Jake: "... A favour..."

Zoe: "Yeah, what's up?"

Jake: "...Shut up... Please..."

Zoe: "Oh... Okay... Sorry..."

Once they reached the hallway, they came to a shocking revelation, the hallway took them back to the starting point where they entered the museum, and a bit farther away from them, Ziggy had just returned from the pathway he went through and came to the same realisation.

Zoe exclaimed: "Oh no! We're back here!"

Ziggy: "We've already noticed this! It's not hard at all to miss!"

Jake: "Bark! (Hold on, have any of you seen any doors in this place?!)"

Zoe: "...The door! Where did the entrance go?!"

Upon looking around, the door through which they came here had indeed vanished, effectively trapping them in the building. Zoe muttered: "I-is this a bad time to mention that I'm claustrophobic...?"

Immediately, Jake thought about breaking down one of the walls, but much to his surprise, the wall that was meant to lead outside simply led them back to the same place, at the opposite side. Jake commented: "Bark. (Well, this is far for anything good.)"

Ziggy: "Well, no shit, Sherlock! We're stuck in an art block!"

Zoe: "O-oh no, oh God, oh God, this really is purgatory..."

And that was when her phobia kicked in, causing her to fall to her knees, bite her thumb nail, and start hyperventilating while the other two continued to rack their brains for a way out.

Sixtieth Feather:


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