The Twenty-Second Feather: Time For a Road Trip!

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Corna woke up in the apartment, like usual, with Jake by her side, who was still asleep. Well, to say 'Woke up' and 'asleep' would be incorrect. Since neither one could do that. They simply laid there with their eyes closed and waited for the time to pass. That day was a Sunday, meaning that Corna had the whole day to herself. The use of the words 'to herself' wasn't very truthful, and I apologise for constantly using incorrect wording so frequently. Corna in reality had another plot cooking up in her mind to spread out her search even further. So, she put on her winter coat, a pair of boots, a beanie, and a scarf, and was ready to head out. Just as she was about to step out, Jake got up and asked her: "Woof...?(Corna... Where are you going...?)"

Corna: "Don't worry about me, Jake, I'm just going for a small trip. I'll be back by sunset."

Jake: "Grrr...(Then I hope you won't mind if I tag along.)

Corna: "No, no, that won't be necessary! Just sit back and relax, you've already done so much for me, I'll just feel bad if I pile more stuff on you."

Jake: "Arf! Arf! (Corna, do you know how mad at myself I was after I heard about what happened yesterday?! I don't care whether or not you want to, I will go with you and make sure that doesn't happen again!)"

Corna: "Stop... You're gonna make me cry again..."

Jake: "...(Please, the whole reason you've started to find allies is because you can't find Raphael on your own. You needed help, but I've been here the entire time. Let me help you like you helped me!)"

Corna: "Shut up... sniff... You're bringing back sour memories... Just shut up and put on more clothes... It's cold outside..."

After putting on an adorable yellow hoodie and gloves, Corna and Jake departed for their latest adventure.

Along the way, they encountered Dennis and Meggie on their way to their house. Dennis exclaimed: "Ah! There you are. You saved us the trouble of walking the whole way."

Meggie: "Doggie! Doggie! Doggie!"

While Meggie was blissfully headpatting Jake, Corna greeted and asked: "Hey, Pitch. Hey Meggie. Are you guys going somewhere?"

Dennis: "Yeah, we were heading to your place."

Corna: "Because...?"

Dennis: "You know the Iblis guy up there? He's been nagging me all night yesterday to take him to you."

Corna: "Wait, you can talk to him?"

Suddenly, Iblis' slimy form emerged halfway out of the top of the UFO, shouting: "Of course I can, you ninny! I am all-powerful!"

Corna: "What the hell?! You can get out?!"

Iblis: "Only half-way, but that won't stop me from exacting my revenge!"

Without warning, Jake jumped up high and bit Iblis' top half off with a swift jaw. Dennis exclaimed: "Woah! Control your dog!"

Corna: "Jake! Stop that!"

Meggie: "OW!"

Jake: "BARK! BARK BARK! (That's him! That's the bastard who hurt you! I'll murder him, I swear!)"

Corna: "NO! He's weak and harmless now! There's no point and you know it. You'll just feel bad in the end."

Jake: "...(...Fine.)"

Dennis: "Wow, looks like he's well-trained. What's his name? And more importantly, what breed is he? I don't think God invented green dogs yet."

Corna: "First of all, his name is Jake. Second, he's not some kind of trainable domestic animal, he's my best friend and bodyguard... whose made out of sentient grass"

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