The Fortieth Feather: Sleepover At the Baseballer's!

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In the dead of the rainy night, the residents of the Montero family were enjoying some quality time together by playing a good-ol-fashioned game of Bone-o-poly. However, it all came to a halt when they heard someone knocking on their door. Dennis put his hand behind his ear and exclaimed: "Hark! That sounds like the gentle knock of an emotionally disturbed, pre-adolescent girl!" and upon opening up, it was both Corna and Jake, drenched in rain and carrying a backpack that seemed moments away from exploding. Immediately, Dennis got the general gist of what had happened and demanded: "Say it."

"Fuck you." Retorted Corna.

Dennis: "Ah, remember whose doorstep you're standing on."

Corna: "...F-Fine! You were right! Now let me in!"

Dennis: "See, was that so hard?"

"My thoughts are like scrambled eggs right now, I don't need you to mock me." Complained Corna as she dried herself with a towel she had in her luggage.

Dennis responded: "This type of thing is kinda well deserved when someone goes through with a dumb plan."

Jake: "Woof. (Implying that there even was a plan.)"

Dennis: "I still can't speak Dogian."

And after a short chat with the baseballer's family and convincing them to let them stay the night, all three of them went upstairs to his room and continued their conversation. "So, let me get this straight..." Said Dennis. "You, him, and someone from your school went to Texas earlier today, managed to infiltrate the prison facility, lost a hand, and exposed your existence to M.I.S.S.I.O.N, who, for some reason, have you on their wanted list. Then, you ran away from the home you were staying in because you think they'll get caught in the crossfire when agents come to hunt and/or capture you. Did I get any part of this story wrong?"

Corna: "No, you got a full score."

Dennis: "Great, that's just fantastic, absolutely wonderful. You know what's so magnificent about all this?"

Corna: "Wh-"

Dennis: "Your decision to come to MY HOUSE and endanger MY FAMILY, that's what's fantastic!"

Corna: "Sarcasm, right... Pitch, We'll only stay for one night, we'll be gone by tomorrow."

Dennis: "Right, and what will you do after that?"

Corna: "...I don't know. I guess my stupidity locked us in a large scale game of cat and mouse."

Dennis: "I still don't get that assumption. How are you so sure they're even chasing after you?"

Corna: "It's because of what I told you when we met for the first time. Jake and I are two of the very few survivors of the northern branch's collapse."

Dennis: "...And?"

Corna: "They're afraid that I might expose the truth to the public about that incident."

Dennis: "The truth? You know something the media doesn't?"

Corna: "That collapse was an inside job. The western branch methodically set up a scenario where it seemed like they had no involvement in it."

Dennis: "Ain't that kinda like shooting themselves in the foot? That's like, what? An entire third of their organisation blown to pieces?"

Corna: "It's because it housed every supernatural criminal they captured. Shifters, Corruptions, Namelesses, you name it, they had it."

Dennis: "And because they were all rounded up in one place in the middle of nowhere, they were fine with sending the entire branch straight to the past tense, right?"

BEYOND 3A: BloodRed and ScaleBlackजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें