[49] innocent or guilty?

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billie o'connell
(day of court)
just so y'all know i have NO CLUE how court goes so pleaseeee pretend i know what im talking bout.

"you ready baby?" i ask arianna as i squeeze her hand a little. "yeah, im nervous though, we could either be free or sentenced to death today" she says.

"me too. we'll be okay. promise" i smile and kiss her forehead.

we walk into the court room when it's finally our time. i see there's a news reporter up the back and the room is full of people.

people looking at us in disgust mostly.

we sit down next to our lawyer, "thank you chase" i smile. "of course. i'll get y'all out of this" he smiles. "im confident" i reply.

"all rise for the judge" here we go!

"today we will be solving the case of the shameless killers, also known as arianna miller and billie o'connell" she says.

"can arianna miller take the stand please" the judge says. arianna looks at me and i nod my head in reassurance.

she gets up and confidently walks over to the stand.

"so miss miller you are here with us today with multiple murder accusations. will you be pleading guilty or innocent today?" the judge asks.

"innocent" arianna replies. the judge makes a weird face before looking at some paper on her desk.

"so last august you were on the run from police after being arrested for murdering a girl named alexis mann. in september you were accused of committing multiple murders in miami, along with miss o'connell. you both then ran away to what we are guessing was another country. is this correct?" the judge says.

"yes. it is" arianna replies. "where were you the night alexis got murdered?" she asks.

"i was at billies house" arianna says. "can we get more details?"

"of course. billie and i were in her bedroom watching netflix and eating food" arianna says.

"what did you do that day? anything that could've suggested you were in alexis home?"

"i was actually hanging out with alexis earlier that day. me and her were actually really good friends. we were in her living room watching tv and talking about random things. i was there from around mid day to evening" arianna lies.

"so you were with her the day she died? when did you hear the news about it?" the judge asks.

"the next day. i was confused as to why she wasn't in school because she always was. it quickly came over the intercom at school that she had been murdered" arianna says.

"liar!" a girl screams from behind us all. i turn around and see a girl that was alexis bestfriend. oh no.

"silence in court!" the judge yells and slams her hammer.

"she was never close with her! they barely spoke!" the girl yells again. "silence!" the judge yells.

"we do not have much evidence on this specific case but we do have your dna on the bullet that was found in alexis" the judge says.

"there is an explanation behind that. alexis told me she wanted a gun for protection, so we went out and got one. i chose the bullets for her as i know more about guns than her, when we got back to her house i loaded the gun up for her before putting it away. that's why my dna will be on the bullets" arianna lies. that's my fucking girl, right on the spot.

"did alexis have any intent to use the gun?" the judge asks. "yes, she told me she'd use it if someone was to break in, for protection" arianna says.

"did she have any thoughts or did she say anything to you about using it on herself?" the judge asks.

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