[44] he's coming

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billie o'connell
2 days later

i'm currently at my bosses house who i soon learned is named marco, he literally has everything with his name on it.

all of us are here, we're all discussing what we're gonna do.

"so as you all know b-luna fucked us up big time" he says.

"she killed a mafias daughter and now we need to protect ourselves" he states.

"i've made up a couple rules, i know some of you may not think this is serious but this is a mafia coming after us. they've got people placed all over england, scotland and italy. they're unbelievably powerful, even the government and the army don't touch them. we're just a gang, just one of england's gangs that mean nothing to them" he says.

"so, if any of you rat out luna or contact this mafia and tell them where luna is i promise you'll never see the next day, i'll kill you in the blink of an eye. i need you all to go to the safe house" he says.

"which one?" sav asks, "the one near the border of wales" marco replies. "we have safe houses? i thought this was just a regular gang" i ask.

"it is, but we're the most known and people always attempt to come after us and we have multiple safe houses under different names incase the police start their crap" he says. i nod in response.

"anyways, be there tonight at eleven sharp. that includes you luna" he says.

"all of you cannot tell anyone where you are, not even your mum. and for extra measures, i'll buy you all new phones, smash your current ones i don't care as long as they're gone and untraceable" he says.

"is it really that serious?" jay questions. "yes jay, it really is that fucking serious. we have a huge mafia coming after us that the government can't even touch. they're unbelievably advanced and high tech" marco says.

"that's all. remember safe house at the border eleven sharp, luna bring your girlfriend, i'll also buy her a phone" he says.

"can i bring shark?" i question, "who the fuck is shark?" he squints. "my dog, just got him a month ago" i say. "sure whatever" he says.

"right get the fuck out my house" he says. everyone gets up and leaves.

i drive home immediately to let arianna know what's happening.

"i'm home!" i yell out, "living room!" arianna replies. i take my shoes off and say hi to shark before joining her on the couch.

"so how did it go?" she asks. "i have a lot to tell you" i say. "go on then" she says.

"so marco, my boss told me what i basically fucked us all up the ass with a knife. i killed a mafias daughter. this mafia is supposedly extremely advanced and high tech, meaning they'll figure out my exact location in a second. marco has a safe house at the border of wales and we need to go stay there for a while. we need to be there by eleven tonight, all of us. the mafia has people placed all over england, scotland and italy and they're extremely powerful, the government can't even touch them. they're probably on their way here right now. and yes, we can bring shark but we need to leave" i explain.

"so what you're telling me is we need to move to the border of wales because you killed a mafias daughter?!" she says.

"i didn't fucking know who she was!" i yell. "we'll maybe you shouldn't go around killing random people and get us into this mess!" she yells back.

"you're one to talk! weren't we BOTH just in miami on a killing spree?! don't forget you're the one who got us into this mess in the beginning" i yell back.

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