[30] one last kill?

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billie o'connell
1 week later

we've been at that club everyday now so we can memorise chantelle's work schedule.

she works mondays, wednesdays and friday to sunday. 3pm to 9:30pm.

today is saturday, it's 8:15pm and we're at the club with our friends waiting on chantelle to finish her shift.

id say we have a good plan, so let's hope it works out.

just before chantelle's shift finishes i go up to the bar and order four shots.

"why four?" she asks, "two for me two for you" i grin. a smile appears on her face, a devilish one.

"why thank you" she smiles. she makes the shots and we each take them.

"you know, i've changed my mind. since your shift is over, let's go back to my house?" i say to her.

"of course" she smirks and grabs my hand. i lead her to the car where arianna is hiding in the trunk.

we arrive home and i show her about to let arianna get everything into place.

finally after getting a text saying it's ready, i show chantelle down the to basement.

"you gonna kill me?" she jokes. yes, we are. "definitely, now come on this is my favourite room" i say and we walk down the steps.

"you go first, it's truly amazing" i tell her, she goes through the door first and i grab a cloth out my pocket and wrap it around her mouth and nose to she can inhale the chemical and hopefully go to sleep.

"well that was easy" arianna chuckles, we drag her through the room and lay her on a bed.

and no, we aren't doing any of THAT weird shit but at least she gets to be comfortable..

after i'd say half an hour, chantelle starts stirring and moving about.

"what the- luna?!" she says as she wakes up, she begins looking around and starts struggling when she noticed she's tied to the bed.

"bill- luna what the fuck are you doing?!" she panics, i look at arianna and so does chantelle.

"ari- uhm, who are you?" she questions, "i thought you was kidding when you said she knows who we is" arianna says and looks at me.

"i don't know you!" chantelle lies. "so tell me why you call me billie?! and why you almost called her arianna?" i question.

she stays silent, "you know something" i chuckle. i quickly pull my gun out and place it against her temple. "tell me, who sent you?" she looks at arianna, then me.

"krystal" she says. i snap my head over to arianna, "krystal? what's her last name?" she questions. "heart. krystal heart" she says.

"you're fucking with me? put the gun down billie" arianna says.

she walks over to chantelle and studied her facial features, she then pulls her hair back behind her ear to reveal a certain birthmark.

"amala?" she gasps, who the fuck is amala?

"arianna i'm so sorry- krystal made me" she says, "krystal made you what? stalk us?!" arianna says.

"she was gonna tell everyone what happened!" amala says, "that happened years ago amala!" arianna says.

"anyone gonna tell me who the fuck amala is?!" i say, confused as fuck.

arianna sighs, "amala is my cousin, we stopped talking ages ago when something happened between my mom and her aunt, they packed up and moved here, i completely forgot they moved to london" she tells me.

"krystal must've told her something, fuck knows how she knows we're here" she says.

"amala, you have thirty seconds to explain yourself or else this bullet will go through your brain" arianna says and loads the gun.

"i wanted to get revenge on you after what happened with our family. i also found out what you had done back in california and it's despicable" amala says.

"so tell me why i should let you freely walk?" arianna questions, amala stays silent.

"answer me" arianna calmly says. "i cant" amala says, and with that she's dead.

arianna puts the gun to amalas head and pulls the trigger, making her head splatter everywhere.

"shit" she says, "i'll clean it up baby, go relax" i say and kiss her. she thanks me and walks off.

so now, now we gotta deal with krystal.
i've finished cleaning and i'm just out my shower, ariannas laying on our bed.

"is it all cleaned?" she asks as i climb into bed next to her. "yeah" i reply.

"so, how are we gonna deal with krystal?" i ask, "i don't know, she must know where we are so i have a plan but, might not like it" she tells me as we lay face to face.

"what is it?" i ask.

"we fly back home and find her, see what she has to say" arianna says. "we'll get caught baby, we cant" i chuckle.

"we can, we look completely different, different names. all we have to do is keep a disguise, take krystal and boom" she explains.

"you're own bestfriend?" i ask, she hesitates for a moment. "yes, she's betrayed me. i don't like backstabbers" arianna grins.

"okay, i'll think about it" i tell her.

"one last kill?" she says and looks at me innocently. i think for a moment.

i don't want to do this because it's krystal but if it has to be done, it has to. i'm not sure if arianna fully wants to do it either, she might just be really tired but i'll ask her again in the morning.

i don't want this to be our last kill.

"one last kill" i reply.

"goodnight my love" she says and presses a kiss against my lips, "goodnight baby, i love you" i say and kiss her back. "i love you too" she says and cuddles into me.

soon, we're fast asleep.

(a/n): is this the last kill?
vote & predictions !!!
slower updates. sry.

- leila.

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