[33] - cheater pt1

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billie o'connell

"jay and that invited us out to the club, wanna go?" i ask arianna as i walk into our bedroom.

"i would but i'm sick as fuck" she says and i can hear it in her voice.

"aw baby, it's fine i'll just let them know we can't come" i tell her, "no you go, i'll be fine. don't spend your days worrying bout me baby" she says.

"no i wanna look after you" i say, "no, go. i'll be fine" she insists. "no" i reply.

"billie. if you don't go i'll cut your dick off, go have fun without me for one night" she says with a serious face.

"fine. it wont be as fun without you there though" i pout, "billie" she warns. "you sure you'll be okay here?" i ask. "yes" she says and rolls her eyes.

"call me if you need anything, anything at all. i promise i'll be here in under ten minutes" i say and give her a kiss.

"i will. i love you, have fun" she says, "i love you baby. i wont be back late" i tell her and leave the room, soon leaving the house.

"aye man" i say as i walk up to jay and the others at the club. i sit down next to them and they pass me a blunt.

"how you dain" grey says, "i'm good, ariannas sick though, that's why she ain't there" i tell him.

"hope she feels better soon, i hate being sick" nsyh says and takes a sip of her drink.

"aw, ken a fat bastard tried tae stab me earlier man" grey randomly says. "huh? why you not tell us?" sav says. "dunno. but eh cunt tried tae jab me and a wis like, take this ya jammy bastard and bang, hooked eh cunts jaw then ran him over" grey says, making all of us laugh.

i've learned how to understand grey and his scottish accent, it's quite funny the stuff he comes out with sometimes.

"who was it?" i ask, "fuck knows. just some fat bastard who a wis sellin" he shrugs.

"imma go get some drinks, y'all want some?" i say as i stand up and brush off my pants. "nah. i'm driving, the rest got drinks" jay says, i nod and walk off to the bar.

"ten shots please" i say to the bartender, he nods, makes me the shots and i pay him. i get back to the area my friends are and sit the tray down.

"we said we didn't want any" jay says, confused. "i know, they're for me" i smile.

"ima take them all" i say.

i line them up and my friends count down, once they say go i immediately down all the shots with no hesitation.

"damn that tastes good" i say as they all cheer.


"ima go bathroom" i slur to my friends and walk away. i find the bathroom which is deep into the club and stand at the sinks for a moment.

the shit that happened last time i was here..

suddenly the door opens to reveal amelia. "hey" she says. "you good?" she asks, "drunk" i reply.

she pushes me into a stall and locks the door and i mentally slap myself.

"all i want you to be, is quiet" she says and attaches her lips to mine, i hungrily kiss back.

my hands roam her body and soon find their way under her shirt and to her boobs.

our lips move in sync, hungrily kissing eachother and letting our hands roam freely of each others bodies.

"you're so hot bil" amelia says, which suddenly snaps me into a sober state and i push her off me and quickly leave the club.

i call a taxi and arrive home.

once i get home ariannas fast asleep, thank god.

i quickly change and get into bed.

i begin to think, what the fuck have i done?

why did i do that? i have the most beautiful girlfriend in the entire world right next to me and i went and CHEATED on her??

i lay in bed and silently cry, regret filling me so bad.

i end up falling asleep, even though my thoughts were consuming me whole.

(a/n): short chapter.
will be continued next chapter
hope y'all enjoyed
i'll translate the scottish incase some of y'all stupid.

- leila

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