[5] feelings

850 16 32

billie o'connell

i enter my 4th hour class because i slept in. i also could not get myself to come here because of the events yesterday.

everyone's attention turns to me when i walk in, "did you just get in?" the teacher asks.

"well what the fuck does it say on the register?" i ask in a 'duh' tone. "just go sit" the teacher scoffs.

i roll my eyes and take my usual seat, which is across from arianna up the back. i sit next to my bestfriend, drew.

"what the fuck happened yesterday? where did you go?" she asks. "i left" i reply.

"okay but why weren't you replying to anyone" she says. "it's a long story. i'll tell you later i don't wanna get into that sappy shit" i say and lean back in my chair sitting man spread.

i just wanna go home and get high.

"there's a party tonight, come?" drew says. "it's almost like you can read my mind" i say and smile at her.

"smile more often. it's pretty" she says. i deadpan her and we burst out laughing.

i look to my right to see arianna staring at me. i give her a 'fuck u want?' look and she looks away.

if she thinks what happened yesterdays gonna change anything it's not happening.

class is over and it's lunch, i decide to go sit underneath the bleachers and smoke cause i don't wanna talk to anyone.

i get out a pre roll i made before i got to school and light it.

i just wanna be at the party rn. i just wanna get high and fuck someone.

i hear footsteps and roll my eyes thinking it's a teacher. "billie?" ariannas voice questions. i roll my eyes even harder this time.

"the fuck are you doing" i say with a harsh tone. "i come here sometimes" she says.

"okay well i'm here" i say . "okay?" she says. i huff and go on my phone, finishing off my smoke break.

"you okay" she says. "why the fuck wouldn't i be" i reply. "just because of wha-" she says but i cut her off.

"nah. listen we don't speak a fuckin word bout that okay? you don't bring it up to me or anyone. you forget about it" i harshly yell.

"how the fuck am i meant to forget about that? that's like, kinda traumatising" she reply.

"i don't know but figure it out" i say. "damn" she replies. "you goin to that party?" she asks. "yes" i say.

she nods and looks away. we stay silent for a while before i hear a lighter flicker.

no surprise tbh.

(time skip)


who's the driver tn
cs i ain't

i will
i haven't in a while

come get me at like 9
then we can get cole and billie

dani hearted 'drew' message!

i'll be ready whenever
cant wait
so excited

no one cares
is brandon gonna be there lol

it's his party

what the fuck??
why did y'all fucking tell me
y'all fucked up

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