[38] back to la

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arianna miller
2 months later

"no you're just being a bitch! as usual" billie yells. "how the fuck am i the bitch? you're the one being selfish!" i yell back.

we're currently arguing over something, i can't remember at this point we've been arguing all day.

"shut the fuck up. you're just being pathetic" billie snaps.

"me? i'll kill you with my bare hands right now" i tell her. "don't think i won't, i'm literally a fucking serial killer" i add on.

"have you ran out of your meds?" she sighs, "what one's?" i ask. "the ones for your schizophrenia" she says.

"yeah like last week" i say. "what?! you didn't tell me? you didn't go get more??" she says, slightly shocked and a bit mad.

"no..? it's not that big of a deal it's fine"  i roll my eyes. "it's not fine. you had an episode in the fucking store two days ago! you accused a man of being a rapist and you stole his cart saying it's yours! you almost called the cops on him to say he had sex with a ten year old!" billie slightly yells.

"no i didn't" i say. "yes you did, i was literally there. you told me to fuck off or else your boyfriend would kill me because he was getting angry" she says.

"oh" i reply. "oh well. i'm fine, i'll grab more like tomorrow or something" i say. she throws her head back and sighs.

"you know i hate arguing with you baby"  billie says as she pulls me onto her lap. she basically eye fucks me for a moment whilst we stare at eachother.

"do you just wanna hurry up and fuck me? if you're gonna sit there and undress me with your eyes" i say.

she doesn't waste a second pulling me in and attaching our lips. we make out for a bit before she starts trailing kisses down to my neck where she stops and starts giving me hickeys.

"you're so pretty" she whispers.

(sorry y'all ain't gettin smut. i hate hate writing it)

2 days later
billie o'connell

"no, no she hasn't had them in a while" i say to the doctor over the phone.

"i don't know, is there not like a normal med for schizophrenia? can i not just come pick up some?" i ask.

"well- no, no she's having an episode now i don't wanna scare her or something" i say.

"okay- okay i will, thanks" i say and hang up.

i was on the phone to the doctor to see if i can get arianna anymore meds. she's gone crazy, quite literally.

she held me at knife point because she thought i was cheating on her with her friend lillian? she doesn't have a friend called lillian.

she also killed a random man because she thought he barked at her. i'm scared to even go near her sometimes because i don't know when she's in an episode or not.

"no! no! no!" i hear her scream. i immediately jump up and run to our bedroom where she's sat rocking back and forth yelling for someone to stop.

"hey, baby it's just me calm down" i says a i wrap my arms around her. "no! get the fuck off of me!" she screams. i immediately let go and back away a bit.

"baby it's just me. it's okay" i repeat. she looks up at me and then grabs a hold of me and just cries into my shirt.

"they're behind you billie don't let them hurt me" she yells out. "want me to fight them off?" i question. she nods, "okay hide under the covers i'll get them for you" i say.

shameless killers | billie eilishحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن