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Jason looked up at his mom with those innocent eyes that held so many questions behind them.

"Yes, Jason?"

"Why is Mr.Harper crying?"

"Oh.. well it's because Mrs. Harper got sick and she died, honey"

"But, mom, you told me that when someone dies they go to heaven, right?"


"Then why is he crying? She is going to a better place, like heaven is so cool! Shouldn't he be happy for her?"

"People cry when someone dies because they miss their presence , even if they believe the person is going to heaven, the pain of losing someone is still there. Crying help them deal with the sadness and cope with the loss, sweetheart"

Six years old Jason looked around him as he thought deeply of his mother's words, then he looked back at his mother determined.

"I won't cry if someone I love dies, mom. It's stupid, I Should be happy they're going to heaven and can do anything they want there. I think it's selfish, mom, if someone cries because he wants you to stay with him and doesn't want you to go to heaven."

"What if I die, will you not cry?" Jason's mother asked as she looked down at her adorable son with a unique way of thinking.

Jason looked at her with a hard look on his face as he tried to process the question.

"I- I will be sad, but then I will remember you're in better place and happy and then I will not be sad anymore"

Jason's mother smiled down at him and ruffled his hair " I hope you never have to deal with the grief of losing someone you love ever, my sweet baby"

Jason's eyes blurred as the sounds around him got too much. The beeping sounds, the nurse's voice, Lily's mother's crying and that loud annoying sound of Jason's heartbeat.

It's like his heart is in his ears pounding hardly as he struggles to breathe. Jason pressed his hands on his ears to block the noises and regulate his breathing.

He closed his eyes and breathed in and out while counting to ten

One, inhale and exhale..

Two, inhale exhale.....

Ten, deep breath in and out.

(A/N: you guys put your hands in your ears and do the same, it will be more real)

Jason removed his shaky hands off of his ears slowly and opened his eyes, there was an eerie silence.

No more beeping sounds, no more nurses shouting and running around, even Lily's mother was still. It's like everyone just stopped the chaos.

The silence was scary, Jason wished everyone was running around because this quietness was the calmness before a storm.

And then Jason heard the words coming out of the doctor's mouth and his world collapsed.

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