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"Close your mouth brat , you'll catch a fly". He winked at her.

With that Jason grabbed Lily's hand and dragged her outside the cafeteria. 'Well there goes my lunch' Lily thought.

"You know I can walk by myself ? Why the heck are you dragging me behind you?" Lily complained.

"I'm not dragging you, you just have short legs and can't keep up"

"I'm not short you're the buffoon giant here"

"Buffoon giant , really?"

"Yes really, I'm one hundred seventy centimeters and that's considered average "

"Yeah yeah whatever helps you sleep at night "

Lily's stomach chose the perfect time to grumble and Lily was horrified by how loud the sound was. Since she was late in the morning, she didn't have time to eat breakfast.

Jason couldn't keep a straight face and his lips twitched with amusement as he tried to stop himself from laughing out loud.

Lily's cheeks reddened in embarrassment "Don't you dare and laugh" She raised her finger at him threateningly.

Jason raised his hands in defense "What would you like to eat miss attitude?"

"Aren't you so sweet defending me and now offering to feed me?"

"Don't push your luck. I just don't want to be eaten by that monster" he said, referring to her stomach.

"Shut- "

Before Lily had the chance to finish it Jason placed his hand on her mouth shushing her. "Now, now what did I say about telling me to shut up, bratty?"

Lily glared at him and licked his palm, but that didn't faze Jason, he already saw that coming . But what he didn't predict was her somehow biting on a small part of the inside of his hand.

"What the fuck?"

"That's what you get for closing my mouth you... donkey"

"You should find better offending words, little dog" Jason said while wiping his hand on his pants.


"Let's feed you maybe you're mood will change and you'll stop being a brat"

"Haha funny" Lily mocked.

"Are you on your-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence"

"Jeez alright chill"


Jason sat in front of Lily and watched as she was too focused on her food. They were now sat in the school garden under the shadow of an Oak tree.

"How come you're at my school a week after I met you? Are you stalking me?"

"The world doesn't revolve around you , spoiled boy. It's a school for everyone , not your school"

A Shriveling Flower Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin