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"I hope you didn't forget about our date tonight, daffodil"

"Oh I definitely did not. I thought you'd be the one to back up"

"Why would I?"

"I don't know" Lily shrugged.

"You should know that I'm a man of a word"

"What a well raised young man you are" Lily said in a posh accent.

"Why thank you madam" Jason fake bowed and Lily chuckled at that.

They were now sitting under the same Oak tree they always sit under. Jason was sitting with his back resting on the tree trunk while Lily laid down on her back next to him.

She was staring at the sky watching the moving clouds. Today was such a lovely sunny day to be outside.

"Where are we going to?" Lily asked, she still had no idea what she's supposed to be wearing tonight.

"You'll see"

"Oh come on tell me! I have to know so that I make myself presentable"

"You look good in anything"

"Pfft, aren't you the one that said I look bad pretty much every day?"

"You said it , I just confirmed it"

"Same thing"


"Yes, it is"


"You're annoying"

"Look who's talking"

"I'm not annoying"

"Oh no, you're painfully irritating"

"Yet you're taking me on a date"

"I like my girl feisty" Jason winked at Lily's shocked expression.

"I'm not your girl"


The bell rang and Lily had to head to class. Jason and Lily didn't share this class and Jason wasn't even planning on attending his class. He had to get some things done for their date.

Lily hesitantly stood up and picked up her bag. She was yet again interrupted from questioning him further about his words.

"Aren't you going to class?"

"Yeah I'll go in a bit"

"Okay, see you later then"


Lily kept replaying Jason's words in her head as a smile threatened to show in her lips.

As Lily disappeared inside the school, Jason sprung up and went to finish his plans for later. He was more than excited for their date , but he tried his best to hide it.

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