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Lily was sitting on the bed a few hours after she announced the news to her parents. They weren't the slightest bit happy or supportive , at least they didn't show it.

Jason left a few minutes after they dropped the bomb, per Lily's request. She knew her parents would need some time to understand the situation and she was going to give them some space.

Lily was zoned out thinking about everything that has happened today, especially the fact that she was a married woman now. A knock on the door brought her back to reality as she turned towards the door where her mother stood.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course, mom"

Lily's mom sat on the bed facing her. She was looking downwards trying to collect her words and think of what to say.

"I'm sorry"

"What? Why are you sorry, mom? I'm the one who should apologize"

"I'm sorry you didn't trust me enough to tell me that you were going to get married"

"No, mom! I trust you with my life."

"Then why did you do that? Why did you get married"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, mom, but I knew you wouldn't approve. And as for getting married... I wanna live my life fully mom. I don't want to have regrets, I won't achieve all my dreams. I'm not going to live forever mom and I have accepted that. It doesn't matter if I'm going to live till seventeen or till seventies, what matters is that I'm living all what I have dreamt of. I have always wanted to get married and start a family and I know I'm still too young for this, but I don't have that much time left"

"I love you, mom. I love you and dad so much and I'm not trying to make you or dad disappointed or sad.... I just want to enjoy whatever time that is left for me in this world"

Lily's mother's face had silent tears running down on it. Her mother hugged her closely to her chest as she caressed her hair and smelled her fragrance that she absolutely adored since Lily was born.

"I love you more than anything in this world, Lily.
The moment I knew I was pregnant with you I felt like I owned the world. I'm so proud to be your mother, I was always proud of you. I've been there with you through all your struggles when you secretly cried , when you faced your fears and when you bathed us with your beautiful laughter . You will alway be my baby and I will love you for eternity."

Lily and her mom stayed wrapped together in a warm embrace as they expressed their love and emotions through it.

"Where's dad?"

"He's in the backyard, I think you should talk to him. He hasn't said a word since .. then"

"Okay, I will talk to him don't worry"

Lily's footsteps soft patter was the only thing heard as she walked downstairs and towards the backyard. Her dad was sitting on the stairs while gazing up at the sky, the sight brought so many memories to her mind and she suddenly felt her heart ache.

Lily sat down on the stairs next to her dad and hugged him sideways as her eyes teared up for the second time today. Actually, the third time, she might have cried a little when she realized she's getting married to the love of her life.

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