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"I will leave you both alone to discuss this matter together, I will go get the test results meanwhile"

Lily's doctor excused himself and left the couples in the loud silence that enveloped the room. Lily's mind was simply... lost. She couldn't wrap her mind around what's happening and she had no idea what she wanted.

She knew from day one that she doesn't want to get treatment at this late stage, but now that there are higher hopes and now that she wants to stay with Jason forever she doesn't know if that's what she wants anymore.

Jason on the other hand had one thought on his mind and that is how to get Lily to approve of the treatment. He loved her dearly and he was so selfish that he wanted her with him every second of the day for the rest of their lives.

He stared at the scrunched face of her, one thing about Lily is that she wears her emotions on her face and Jason saw all the confusion and fear written all over it.

"Lily, what's going through your mind, baby?"

"Nothing and everything"

"Talk to me, love"

"I just ... I don't know what to do Jason. I'm so lost, what do you think I should do?"

"Are you seriously asking me that question, Fiore?"

"What do you mean?"

"Imagine I just heard that there's a huge chance of you getting better. Imagine that I just got to know that it's possible for me to keep you by my side as my wife for eternity.

I want to grow old with you, Lily.

I want to have my kids with you, I want to travel the world with you, I want to see you aging like a fine wine. I want to be with you on the good and bad days.

I never forced you to do anything, Lily, but God knows how much I want you to listen and take the treatment. Please Lily."

Lily's eyes welled up with tears as Jason's words penetrated her heart like a russian bullet. It was now clear what her decision will be, just for Jason she's willing to undergo the therapy even though it will suck, but she'll do it.

But Lily finally got to realize something, it's not about the place or the journey, it's all about the people you're with. Cause that's all what it matters being surrounded with the people you love and with the people that own your heart.

"I will do it"

Jason's eyes sparkled, whether it was caused by the pure happiness that was swirling in them or the tears that threatened to escape, they sparkled with hope.

"You will?" Jason asked for affirmation , wanting to make sure he heard her right.

Lily nodded with tears running down her face before hugging him with so much emotions shared in that hug.

"I see that you guys made your decision" Lily's doctor said, interrupting the moment as he entered the room with the test results in his hand.

"Yes" Jason said and looked back at Lily who stared back at him with a smile on her face.

"I will take the treatment"

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