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The sound of machines beeping mixed with the sound of the people rushing through the hallways stressed Jason till he felt suffocated in the hospital room.

It was three in the morning and Lily was connected to some wires and machines and seeing her like this, so pale and lifeless, was messing with Jason's head.

When he rushed her to the hospital he asked for her doctor and called her family. Her parents left a few minutes ago to get some stuff back from their home. His parents also left since his dad has some work to finish and his mom needs to check on the kids.

There's no point of them being here anyway.

He asked his dad if he said something that might have caused her to faint, but he said he just talked about them and their honeymoon and so on.

The doctor said that she's just tired from the busy week they had. Lily's cancer is growing fast and she'll need more rest now, more than before.

That scared Jason shitless.

What does he mean it's growing fast , will Lily leave him earlier than he thought. No, it couldn't be.

Jason intertwined their hands together and watched the sleeping beauty carefully. He was watching every move , every breath and every twitch hoping she'd wake up soon.

Two hours later and Lily wasn't awake yet.

The low light in the horizon marked the beginning of a new day and new hopes and opportunities and yet Lily was still asleep.

Hours spent in that hospital room and Jason didn't leave her side not even for a second. Lily's parents failed to convince him to go sleep or eat , even his parents failed to convince him when they visited.

Nothing will make him leave her side, not even for a millisecond. Jason paced around the room, looked out of the window, held hands with Lily and watched her peacefully sleeping and still she's asleep.

It was driving him crazy and each time the doctor said that it's just her body taking time to rest and gain her energy back.

Finally, at four in the afternoon, Lily groaned and moved in her sleep. Jason, who barely closed his eyes for a second, jerked up and squeezed Lily's hand in anticipation.

"Lily, my love?"

Lily flattered her eyes open and looked up at the concerned face of Jason in confusion. The moment his eyes caught hers a sigh of relief left his lips and he bent down placing a long kiss on her forehead.

"Finally, Fiore, you scared me to death. How are you feeling, baby"

"What happened? Why am I in the hospital"

"You fainted back in my house and I brought you to the hospital"

"Oh, I'm sorry for worrying you"

"Nonsense, no need to apologize, love"

"My parents?"

"They went to get some to eat from the cafeteria"

"What did the doctor say?"

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