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I hate Mondays.

I swear it was Friday like five minutes ago.

Lily grumbled as she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready. Although she had the whole week off, it was still not enough.

It was a week out of a dream. Yes she was tired and needed much rest, but she got to spend a lot of time with Jason and that what made it special.

Back to Mondays. Monday is that one day where even your coffee needs coffee. You either run the day or it runs you , and in most cases ...it will run you.

When Lily was young she used to feel bad for Monday, everyone seemed to hate it only because it's the start of a new week. She even once cried to her mom about how people bully Monday and hurt it's feelings.

She was such an innocent, sweet and naive child.

Maybe she still carries a bit of these attributes till now.

Suddenly Jason crossed her mind and a feeling of excitement surged through her body. No matter what, she always seems to look forward to spending time with Jason.

As she finished getting ready she kissed her parents goodbye and headed outside towards the school bus. Jason offered to pick her up and drop her off instead of riding "that filthy bus filled with f -word idiots " as he said .

Such a colorful vocabulary he has.

But Lily didn't agree because her house isn't on his way to school and that would be a waste of time and fuel money. Jason of course, using his so nice words, argued with her, money was his least concern.

Lily won the argument, obviously.

While Lily stared outside the window of the bus, Jason was stressed. He decided that he should tell Lily the truth today, she has every right to know. He didn't want to hide anything from her, but the idea of Lily being scared of him and ending things between them was sickening.

He got so used to her, to her kind heart, to her stubborn ass, to her smile and laugh and everything about her. He can't imagine living without being able to see her everyday.

Lily and Jason didn't share any morning classes tiday so that means he won't be able to meet her until break time. That dampened his mood even more, now he has to start his stupid day with the face of people that aren't Lily.

Goddammit, Jason.

Get a grip.

As the break time approached, Jason stared up at the clock and counted the seconds until he could leave this cursed classroom and go see Lily.

Just three more minutes and he will be able to hold her between his arms and hug the living hell out of her then plant a kiss on her forehead and her cute little nose.

Jason was brought out of daze by the sound of bullets echoing through the hallways. And suddenly Jason was scared.

He wasn't scared for himself or the students or the teachers. The only thoughts that popped through his mind was Lily.

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