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1 week...

7 days...

168 hours...

10080 minutes till Lily's birthday and by each day her nervousness was increasing.

Jason's new year's surprise was still playing in her mind even though it's been three days since it happened. How could she not when she truly felt like a princess. No one has ever shown her that much care and interest and love, no one has ever made her feel the way Jason does.

Speaking of Jason, here he is walking towards Lily who was sitting in their usual place, under the Oak tree. He looked as good as ever even while wearing the school's uniform and his black shades.

Jason stopped next to Lily leaning on the tree with his hands buried deep in his pants and his legs crossed. His eyes were on Lily's cute face as she stared up at him with a big smile.

"Good morning, Fiore"

"Morning, Jasey"

"What are you reading?"

Before she could reply, Jason snatched the book out of her hands and flipped through the pages lazily.

"Jasey, never ever snatch my book like that! You're lucky I like you or else you'd be leaving with a broken hand"

"Oh really? I'd like to see you try"

"Don't tempt me"

"Shush, little girl. You can't do shit"

Lily glared at him and punched him on the back of his bent knee which caused him to lose his balance, but he quickly adjusted his posture again.

"One word, three letters... run"

That was all that Lily needed to hear before she took off running away as Jason gave her a head start.

Lily's knees were crying in pain which slowed her down, but she fought through the pain and kept running.

Before she realized Jason's arm wrapped around her waist and twirled her around as her hand held onto his arms. Her giggles reached Jason's ears and his smile widened in response.

"How do you manage to catch me every time? Even now when I had a head start"

"I always tell you, you're a midget"



The bell rang and Lily sighed in frustration. She had Math and she was dreading it. Who the heck puts mathematics first thing in the morning .

"Let's skip"

"Of course you'd say that"

"What? You don't want to be here and neither do I. So let's skip and do something else"

"That's not how school works, dumby. We can't just skip, besides my parents would ground me"

"So? Weren't you the one who said you'd want me to make this year interesting for you"

A Shriveling Flower Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora