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"We're going to make sure you never forget this date, darling"

"But first, wait a second" Jason went to the car's trunk and came back with a bag in his hand.

"What's this?" Lily asked, confused.

"Go inside the cabin and change your clothes, you can't go there with your dress"


"Stop asking questions and get changed, come on we don't have time"

"Okay..." Lily trailed off as she turned on her flashlight and went inside the cabin.

She opened the bag which contained a baggy black pants and black shirt, along with a pair of black boots.(picture below).

He really loves black

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He really loves black.

Lily put them on but what shocked her was the fact that they all fit perfectly on her.

That's creepy.

Putting the clothes she took off in the bag, she grabbed her jacket and phone and exited the cabin.

Jason was patiently, surprisingly, waiting for her. He was leaning on the car whilst staring up at the sky. The moonlight casting on his face in the silence of the night was something else.

He looked dangerously hot.

The moment Jason saw her he pushed himself up and walked towards Lily taking the bag from her.

"Here, put this on" Jason handed her his black leather jacket and took her white one from her.

"Why? You'll get cold, I can just wear mine"

"No, yours is too bright and we don't want to be seen"

"What the heck are we going to do? Rob a bank?"

"Maybe" Jason shrugged nonchalantly.


"Chill okay, it's just for the vibes you know"

"Yesh sure" Lily said sarcastically.

"Okay, miss sarcasm, let's go before we're too late"

Jason placed the bag back in the trunk and grabbed Lily's hand before pulling her with him.

Lily huffed at his habit of dragging her around and sped up so that she would be walking next to him instead of being pulled behind him.

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