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"Jason! No , please don't do this to me"

"Uh uh, Fiore you should've thought about that before pulling that move"

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, Jasey"

"Too late"

"Nooo, please don't throw me into the pool, Jasey"

Jason stood at the edge of the pool with Lily in his arms clutching onto him tightly. Jason looked down at the beauty in his arms with her eyes tightly closed as she embraced herself for the fall.

Jason smiled slightly at her, she looked like a scared little kitten. Lily peeked one eye open as she stared at Jason questionably, why hadn't he thrown her in already?

"I knew you wouldn't throw me, Jasey bear. You're just so swe-"

Before she was even able to finish the sentence Jason jumped into the pool with her between his arms. Lily screamed from the sudden move as the cold water enveloped them entirely.

Resurfacing up, Lily gasped and greedily inhaled as much air as she could. Looking around her Jason was nowhere to be seen and she lowkey felt worried.

With a sudden move Jason wrapped his arms around her legs and held her up while breathing harshly. Lily squealed with surprise and placed her arms on his shoulders to steady herself.

Looking down at Jason she watched him as he shook his head, his hair followed the motion of his head as water splashed from it before he ran his hand through it and let it lay messily on top of his head.

Lily was mesmerized.

That was the sexiest thing her eyes had ever seen.

Jason smirked back at her knowingly as she shamelessly stared at him. Lily's mouth suddenly felt so dry as she licked her lips while maintaining eye contact with him.

"Don't look at me like that, Fiore"

"Like what?" Lily said breathlessly.

"Like you're having not so innocent thoughts"


"Because if you keep looking at me like that.." Jason pushed Lily so that her back was touching the pool wall as her legs wrapped around his torso before adding "I will claim you right here and now, my wife"

"Maybe I want you to"

Jason's breath hitched. His chest rising and falling quickly as his eyes diverted to Lily's lips.


"Yes, Jason"

"Don't provoke me, I know you're not ready yet"

"Says who? I want this Jason, I want you"

"Are you sure, Lily?"

"Yes, one hundred percent sure"

Jason abruptly let go of Lily before raising himself up and out of the pool , he then turned around and with a swift move grabbed Lily out of the pool and carried her on his shoulder upside down.

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