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This Friday was such a beautiful day. The bird's singing and the soft sounds of nature traveled throughout the town racing the soft breeze of wind that tickled the trees.

The King's garden was full of people running around trying to finish the preparations before the guests arrived. Today was the gender reveal party for Jason's and Lily's baby and everyone was ecstatic to find out whether it's gonna be a girl or a boy.

Sophia still had no idea about this and she was supposed to find out today, but she and her mom were still outta town and were supposed to arrive later today.

Jason wouldn't allow Lily to participate in the preparations because she's only gonna stress out and that's the last thing he wants for her and the baby.

And Jason couldn't leave her alone at home so the preparation job was handed to the brothers and let me tell you all these energetic boys in one job together was a bad idea.

They argued, shouted, fought and chased each other the whole time to the point where the workers were scared for their life and annoyed at the same time.

"Alex, you stupid bitch I told you to hang the lights on top behind them, not on the door!" Cole screamed at him.

"You did not! You just said hang them on top, how tf I am supposed to know what top? Top of your dick? Top of Elijah's ass? Top of the stupid worker head? Specify bitch"

The poor worker looked back with a face that said 'What did I do?'.

"Leave me outta of it, fucker" Elijah said as he struggled with hanging the balloons.

"You're such a stupid kid I don't know how you will pass your highschool" Cole added.

"Nah that's Will not me"

"Shut the fuck up, you're dumb and everyone knows it" Will bit back.

"Kids stop arguing and finish this shit before everyone arrives" Luke ordered

"I don't know why the fuck Jason has given this job to us. Doesn't he know how dumb those kiddos are? He is setting this party to turn out as a huge disaster" Brent complained.

Suddenly Alex and Will fell on top of each other and Will groaned in pain.

"Get off of me you fat bitch" Will pushed him off.

"Elijah you're a dead meat, boy" Alex warned as he got up.

Elijah was the one who tripped Alex which resulted in him falling on top of Will and scratching his elbow.

"Listen you little fucks, if I hear you arguing one more time I'm breaking your necks. Now everyone finishes their job in silence because if I hear one more word my head is going to explode and if it does I'm killing you all. Understood?" Mason spoke with so much authority as if he was born to be a leader and he was.

That was more than enough to shush them all and with that the preparations were done quickly and perfectly , at least as perfect as these boys could make it.

Alexander King, who was standing on the balcony watching over his boys, had a proud smile on his face. Mason will be a great leader one day, even if he's acting as a rebellious teenager, he has no doubt that he will be a great mafia boss and a great big brother to all his siblings.

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