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"Honey, come on you need to cut the cake"

Lily's mother gently said, placing a hand behind Lily's back. It's been almost an hour since people started arriving at Lily's birthday party and Jason still didn't show up.

The birthday girl was a bundle of nerves worrying about him instead of enjoying her party. She constantly fiddled with her fingers as her eyes swept over the crowds of people trying to spot Jason.

She called and texted him for the umpteenth time, but he still wouldn't answer or pick up. She, to her shock, was on the verge of crying over something she would usually consider silly.

"But mom, Jason is still not here"

"Honey, we can't keep the guests waiting much longer"

"Just thirty more minutes, mom. Please"

"Okay, darling. Thirty more minutes and then you should cut the cake okay? People will start leaving after"

"Okay, promise"

Her mom placed a kiss on her cheeks and with pained eyes offered Lily a smile before going to entertain the guests.

'Come on Jason, where are you?'

Lily sadly sat down on the backyard's porch overlooking the mess left behind from the party. Her parents were inside with the neighbors that were still hanging over.

Their neighbors were very nice couples that always visited and got her gifts throughout her childhood. They couldn't have kids and maybe that's why they always treated Lily like their own.

A black figure moving in the dark caught her attention and she squinted her eyes trying to see who it was.

"Who's there?"

No response, but the figure kept getting closer until the light hit it.

"Jason? Where have you been? I was worried sick about you"

Lily ran towards him and hugged him not caring that she should be mad at him. She hugged him closely, but he didn't. He was dead still and his arms were hanging down next to him not moving or attempting to hug her back.

"Jason? Is everything okay?"

Lily took a step backwards to have a better look at his face and what she saw got her panicking inwardly.

Jason's eyes were bloodshot, it looked like he was crying and rubbing them for hours. His hair was messed up as if he pulled it and ran his fingers through it thousands of times. Jason's skin was pale and his lips were chapped ... and his knuckles were bloody like he punched a wall over and over again.

"W-what happened, Jasey. Where were you? Did something bad happen? Did you get into a fight?"

And still no response.

"Jason, please answer me. You're scaring me"

Jason clamped his eyes shut and held his breath, trying to hold the tears that threatened to break free for the umpteenth time today.

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