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It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one.

We all now that our time in this world is limited.

And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know. It is like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and thinking there is one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down, through the air, and there is a sickly moment of dark surprise as you try to readjust the way thought of things.

- Lemony Snicket

The Reptile Room.


Do you know this feeling you get when life just seems unreal?

Like the feeling you get on the last day of school, when flying for the first time, when you're out during snowstorms or even when walking at night on an empty road.

Or when you get a news that is so unbelievable, like the death of a person you dearly love.

It is as if the world stops for a moment as your brain tries to make sense of what just happened.

We all now that we're going to die sooner or later. We all know that in any moment we could be nothing more than a memory and we all definitely know that someone else could be just a memory in our mind in any second.

We take our time in this life for granted, we think that we have lots of time, but the simple truth is that we will never have today again. Life is fragile and all it takes is a moment to change everything you take for granted.

We waste so much time on overthinking, worrying, wishing, comparing and complaining and being ungrateful instead of focusing on the simple blessings that surround us every day. Being able to see, hear, talk, run, walk, and breath daily without any problem is a blessing. Having a family, a roof to sleep under, food and water is a blessing.

No ones life is perfect.

Someone might have wealth to travel the whole world, but he's blind. And someone could be poor, but is blessed by his good and perfect health. Focus on what's important and be grateful for every second of everyday you get to spend with people you love.

Life is so very precious, make the most of it.




Lily sat on the bed with her legs crossed under her as she opened the new notebook she ordered before finding out she was ill; Lily giggled dryly at the irony of this universe. It was a black notebook with the words Death Note engraved on the cover.

Lily wanted to write a goodbye message to all the important people in her life. Her parents and her sweet neighbors and of course her Jason. Her heart contracted and her hands trembled as she held the pen.

What could you possibly write to the people you love dearly to make your death less painful for them?

As Lily was engrossed in writing the letters, pain radiated through her entire body and her body collapsed onto the bed. Her eyes were blinded by the strong white light and suddenly her body felt lighter and quieter than ever.

Lily shook her head trying to focus back on finishing the letters. It was a common occurrence nowadays as Lily kept thinking about how she's going to leave this world. Would it be today, tomorrow or next month? Will she be sleeping or at school, alone or with her parents or with Jason or around strangers?

The sound of an ambulance grabbed Lily's attention as she raced to the window for some reason... or will she die in an ambulance?

The door to Lily's room slammed open and Lily jumped in fear as she turned around abruptly only to be met by the sight of breathless Jason. Jason rushed towards Lily with urgency and engulfed her into a hug.

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