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'Dear passengers ..'

Lily blocked the sound of the flight attendant and looked back at Jason. Jason had his fingers laced with hers as he laid his head back on the seat with his eyes closed.

They spent a wonderful week on their honeymoon. It was simply just perfect and now they were heading back home.

"Jasey" Lily whispered, she wanted to ask him a question, but at the same time she didn't want to wake him up if he was asleep.

Jason was tired and he had to deal with so many problems since the early morning, one of them is their private jet plane that was not working hence why they had to book a flight on plane.

They were first class, but that still wasn't good enough for Jason.

He hates people.

Jason hummed in response with his eyes still closed and Lily took that as an indication to talk.

"Um so now we're married right?"

"Mhm" Jason hummed again for her to continue.

"So does that mean that I have to live with your family now?"

Jason peeked his eyes open hearing this and turned his head so that now he was facing Lily.

"No, love. We're gonna live alone in our own house that you will choose"

"But is your family okay with that? You're still sixteen after all"

"They will make a fuss, but don't worry about it, I will fix it all. Also, I'm turning seventeen in a few months, Fiore"

"You're still underage"

"Who cares?"


"When we land I will take you to see your parents and then we'll go and visit mine, okay?"


"Good. Now rest your little overthinking head and sleep"

"I don't overthink"

"Yeah whatever you say, Fiore"

"That's what you thought"

"Oh? You want me to remind you who's in charge, little mouse?"


"Good girl"

And with those simple two words Lily felt like she was melting and pretended that she's gonna sleep, but in fact her heart was beating too fast for her to sleep.

"Are you ready?" Jason asked as they stood in front of their main door.


"It's going to be okay, Fiore. I am with you, don't be scared."

Lily nodded and took in a deep breath as Jason raised his fist to knock on the door.

They have just gotten back from her parents house and after her mom bombarded her with hundreds of questions about their trip ,and after the drama they made about her moving out with Jason, they finally convinced them.

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