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Sage followed behind Tarquin. Him and her father going over final arrangements.

She felt strange. Tinglingly and numb at the same time. Cold and dangerously hot. The moment Lucien shut the door behind him, she didn't move for the next few minutes. Just standing there, until she heard him leave out of range from what she could manage.

Involuntarily she toyed with her necklace she had tucked under her leathers and looked out towards the vast terrain.

"Is that really something you want to wear out there?"

Sage snapped out of her focus and looked ahead at Tarquin who stopped at the top of the hill. She lingered his gaze, seeing him gesture to the necklace cooling her skin. She then ignored him and turned back to her gazing about the green grass and full grown trees layered on top of each hill.

Sage has hardly spoken a word since Lucien left. Just followed alongside everyone. She knew what she had to do. There was nothing further to say. Tarquin shot a confused look at her father but, the Commander shook his head to avoid any altercation. That and having an inkling as to what led her to silence.

There was no need to rally her up before the war.

She could feel him through the bond. But it felt weird not having him to look to over her shoulder.

And then her confusion about what a mating bond was. What did that mean for them?

Her thoughts circulated on and on, driving her mind a different place while her body acted on its own accord.

She wanted to reach to the end where she felt him. Felt his side of whatever bond he's yet to explain simply because he didn't have the time.


She hummed and looked to her father who was dressed in the highest level of warrior clothes she could imagine. She was surprised just by the amount of daggers around his waist he was able to sit up straight.

He gave her a sympathetic look.

"Don't give me that look.", Sage started up between him and Tarquin. "That means you know something.", she mumbled under her breath.

She felt her cheeks go just a little hot at the mere thought. Thankfully their was no way he'd be able to tell.

It took a lot to get her flushed. And to think that a damn necklace and a goodbye kiss was all it took to set her off. To wish and crave more.

"I only know what has been laid out to me.", he said matter-a-factly. Sage rolled her eyes, though she wanted nothing more than to crawl back under the sheets. Preferably with someone by her side.

Tarquin exchanged an amused look at Sage, but she had her head turned away, avoiding both of the males gazes. She didn't want to be around either of them. She wanted one person and it was driving her insane.

Sage flexed her fingers and felt a course of powers flow through her without being summoned. Just when she thought she was in control of herself, she was set back ten steps with the help of Lucien.

Betrayed [Lucien x OC]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن