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  It was nightfall by the time Sage returned home. She was back in the unoforgiving snow storm, so when she saw her home in the distance, an ease washed over her. It was a simple house, meant for two. That is until the expansion had the house looking larger. Enough that some mistake them to be rich.

What Sage insinuates to be rich and smart with income is different. They do it themselves. Sage is the brain behind the operations, making out the layout and instructions, her husband puts it together before their eyes. It was a too well put together team that she couldn't have been more lucky to be apart of.

  She placed her horse in self-made stable and wasn't waiting any longer to walk into the home. Her teeth were chattering, and she was still hugging herself despite the warmth fire burning bright in the hearth. At the sound of the door closing, Sage was too busy trying to keep herself warm, that the footsteps were drawn out. Their was running water, she placed her hand under as the heated liquid thawed her skin.

"Welcome back.", a deep voice soothed over her. Chilling down her spine, as a pair of arms wrapped around her chest. Sage immediately sunk into the familiar grasp, resting her head on his chest and hummed. It was then followed by a light kiss to the base of her neck which she got a smell of his citrus natural scent. "You're freezing."

"Really?", she scoffed, "Didn't notice."

He took her hood off, brushing back the hairs that forced their way out of her low puff. "Oh and cranky" Sage chuckled while turning off the water. And finally turned around. She looked up to meet his eyes, as he was well over a few inches taller than her.

  His dark brown eyes, reflected with the dancing fire along with his smooth tanned skin. His dark hair curled and reached the top of his ears, making his sharp features that much more prominent.

"I'm not cranky. Isn't that one of the many things you shouldn't be saying to me right now?", she smiled. Matching his own that formed on his face.

"May have skimmed over that chapter.", he started rubbing the side of her arms as Sage took off her jacket. "How's the infamous Archeron family?"

She immediately shook her head, crossing her arms, "The same."

"I'm sorry", Avahi, leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss. Followed by an engulfed hug. She sighed into his grasp, feeling more comfort.

"I even offered her father to work, and he still denied it. I just don't know what else I can do."

"You do enough", Avahi reassured her. "Precious we both know how hard it is to even come to terms with their situation. We've dealt with the same thing."

  Avahi was kicked out of his home after announcing his relationship with Sage. They claimed she would drag him down and be a disgrace to his family. Being born into a system  well below the poverty line, Sage started off with selling, and his family used to pass her in town. Avahi saw her and even as his parents weren't willing to acknowledge her state, he was the first to buy something from her. It was an act of love. There not a day Sage doesn't think about the interaction.

There are still moments Sage thinks about the guilt. How in the back of her mind she was the cause to him having to sell food in the market as well. Scrape food off of his plate. She insisted for them to stay apart, but he was persistent.

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