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The dinning area was tense. Nesta sat at the head of the table, her movements stiff with every small bite she took. Elain was just diagonal to her, aswell tense in every move she made. Ryshand sat next to Feyre and Cassian opposite to him. It was hard to come up with an appropriate topic to at least ease back into what they needed from the two sisters.

So instead of trying to immediately cut the awkward silence, Feyre instead took a bite from her plate. She wasn't prepared for the taste difference as she wore it on her face the dissatisfaction.

"Is there something wrong with the food?", Feyre shot her gaze to her sister at the head of the table. She wore a stern look after seeing the reaction Feyre took to her food. She was stunned by her observance and forced herself to take another bite, shaking her head. She eased down that portion.

"No.", but it was strained. Clearly a lie.

Nesta's eyes narrowed further. "Are you too good for normal food ?" And if the table needed any more tense nature, Nesta was right to stir it back up. Elain looked down at her plate, not seeming to slow her bites as her appetite wasn't sooted for the setting. She then jerked when silverware clanked against the plate.

Ryshand had done so, finding Nesta's attitude just as unpleasant. Cassian slowed his chewing.

Feyre on the other hand, held back her bite for too long. Placing her hands flat against the table, she returned a astern gaze to her older sister. "I can eat, drink, fuck, and fight just as well as I did before. Better even."

Cassian had choked on whatever remained in his mouth. That was before settling the arrangement between Nesta and Feyre. If there was going to be any more altercation, it seemed bound to get physical.

But Nesta instead scoffed. Sounding more like a dismissed laugh. Her gaze never left Feyre's however, and nothing changed about the nasty stare. Ryshand beside Feyre cleared his throat.

"If you ever come to Prythians, you'd understand the difference in flavors.", he spoke oddly calm. The oldest sister at the head of the table flicked a death stare to the High Lord.

" I have little interet in ever setting foot in your land, so I'll have to take your word for it.", she went back to eating her food. The dining area was so tense that it was hard to continue eating. Nesta was the only one not bothered because she was the main cause to the ruckus.

Elain had her head down, her hands squeezed tight on her lap, "Nesta please..", she begged.

But Nesta hardly listened, she reached for her drink and paused when she felt the gaze from more than just Feyre and Ryshand. She was able to disregard them, but when she lifted her eyes and met Cassian's, her own narrowed. She proceeded to grab her drink and before lifting it to take a sip murmured, "What are you looking at.", pure distaste in her voice.

Cassian, like he was waiting for the moment to strike set his fork down, "Someone who let her youngest sister risk her life everyday in the woods while she did nothing. Someone who let a 14-year-old go out into that forest so close to the wall." Nesta eyes sunken into a thin slit. Like she was preparing to hold herself back, "Your sister died-died to save my people. She is willing to do it again to protect you from war. So don't expect me to sit here with my mouth shut while you sneer at her for a choice she did not to get make- and insult my people in the process."

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