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After talking with a few buyers, while Feyre and the other sisters were eye bulking at the offers. Sage passed them off, reassuring the group that there were better options. Walking away from the buyer as one village shop, Sage made it clear to not just the sisters, but loud enough for the person to hear, "Don't settle for less than your hard earnings. Capturing that wolf pellet cost time, energy, and strength. You'd be better off hanging it up as a trophy." 

Finally they settled with one person. Sage standing before a older woman. Her hair dense; cut at the chin. The color of her skin made it look as if the sun was around this time. Kissed with a beautiful tan. Though the beady black eyes were intimidating, Sage wasn't afraid to admit. Sometimes it's easier to hide your true emotions when focusing on the purpose of the journey.

And after the disappointment of their previous offers, she was determined. But the glinting weapons tracking around her waist weren't nothing to hide from. The sisters strayed a little way from Sage, Feyre the only one behind Sage.

"You", she nodded her head a Sage, "May want to teach the others how to hold a confident strut. They have hunger and desperation practically written on their forehead."

Sage smirked, already telling the woman understood her tactic. A quick scoff escaped her lips as she titled her head back to see what the woman was addressing. And she was right, their faces were puckered, Elain clearly intimidated by the weapons and the dreary setting in general. It was a little towards the outskirts of the village where the population was more scattered.

No one was around for the next mile. "Their learning. Rough season", she rolled her eyes. Cutting the introduction short, Sage reached into the bag to expose a bit more of both the deer hide and wolf pellet, "But, as you can see they weren't willing to fall under. What you say?"

Feyre chocked a little behind Sage when she heard the price. Sage just nodded. That was what she was hoping for. Though she wasn't going to express any sort of shock went the woman actually exceeded her expectations.

And Feyre was ready to counter with her disapproval for the outrageous bargain, but before she was able to, Sage stepped looked to her and handed the bag of coins.

Feyre chocked a little behind Sage when she heard the price. Sage just nodded. That was what she

"Thank you", Feyre said instead. Finding the coin heaviness to be overwhelming. It was then Sage saw the sisters that strayed behind slowly approach like vultures ready to circle their next feast.

While they were ready to head off and call it a successful day, the mercenary called out to them. Equally this time instead of pin-pointing Sage.

"A word for advice from one hunter to another. Don't go far into the woods. Not even close to where you were yesterday. I've been hearing more stories about them slipping through the walls."

Sage quirked an eyebrow, "As in... the fae. Really?" She sounded bemused. Like the idea was just another my try hi Al fairly tale that wouldn't work for someone her age. The woman's coal eyes flicked to Sage at the tone. Accessing her with one over look.

"Are they going to attack?"

The tale goes as such. Sometimes Sage thinks she made up a few of the loose ends that disappeared from her mind age she aged. This was telling from Avahi, who to her annoyance was a beyond believer. The humans were slaves to those higher fae. Their ears pointed, features beyond that of someone could hope for. They built buildings that glistened where the sun hit, towering and blessed from the very hands of species that walk about now.

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