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"Are you okay?", Sage whispered into Elain's hair after her sobs had lightened up. She still held her in a tight protective grasp, letting Barachiel be her eyes for the two fae males that stood at the end of the hall watching them.

"W-what are you doing here?", it was starting to sink in. The scenario. Sage hasn't seen Elain in the past year, and the last time she did it was to deliver her food. The situation was perplex.

She leg go of Elain until they were facing each other. And this time Sage got a good look at her features. Her fae features. Elain's ears were pointed, though it was like nothing outside of that changed.

Her skin was deathly pale. And her cheeks still sunken in as if she was visiting the starving family yesterday. Her eyes, though, once bright and kind despite her situation, there was something else to them.


Softly Sage, cupped Elain's face. Her height making it Elain had to look up just slightly. And though the care was still on her face, there was an undertone of rage. "What did they do to you?"

A tear slipped from Elain's eyes as they looked into Sages. And Sage could tell that something was off. There was an fear that coated her eyes.

Elain saw Sage in the state. The skin and bones. The black coated eyes. The way Sage dropped Fae bodies like it was nothing. Her chocking the King of Hybern. Everyone had that apprehensive feeling about her. But Elain was the first to be on the other end of the rage.

She was close to see the streaks of white that were on her eyelashes and in her hair. She was too busy studying her.

"Elain.", Sage said softly.

And then her eyes her Sage's. Those brown eyes noticeably on edge. Sage wiped the tear.

Seeing there was no getting answer from her now, too stunned. She turned around to face Azriel and Cassian as they stood on the other end of the hall. They saw the hard stare, the way she was standing in front of Elain. If they moved she was ready.

"What the hell did you do to her? Why is she here?.", her voice was stern. And somewhat demanding.

Azriel and Cassian didn't move an inch. They saw her fist flexing as if it wasn't bearable to keep them still. When she didn't get an answer she nodded slowly.

She tilted her head over her shoulder to Elain, "Is Nesta here?", she asked quietly.

That was the only question Elain was able to answer. Simply because it didn't require words. She nodded slowly and lifted a shaky hand to the other end of the hallway to their left.

Sage hummed, and looked back to the two males. And slowly with snap in her tone she spoke.

"We. Are. Leaving. Touch any of us. Follow us. Or try and stop me and I'll kill you."

She didn't know if she could. Didn't know if it was possible. But from the sizzling feel in her palms. She felt as if there was a chance.

You can.

Barachiel confirmed. And that was all the confidence she needed.

Betrayed [Lucien x OC]Where stories live. Discover now