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"You're fighting. "You're doing good", he whispered into her hair. His voice too broke, though the strain in his was for her. He didn't care about his state. His heart broke from the pure vulnerability in her voice.

"They keep coming into my cell-.", she strained taking in a sharp breath. "I'm sor-."

It was interrupted by her releasing another sob. Avahi couldn't hold on any tighter, "Do not apologize. Look at me."

Sage did as told. That didn't stop the tears from streaming down her face. For the first time in so long it was hard to meet his eyes. To face in and be comfortable as he looked back. The things that he opened in her cell, she felt as if she was returning to her life before meeting Avahi. It was overwhelming and he could see it. Could see that change. Though it was familiar. It was as if  reversing time. Going back to when they first met. She had that look. Wanting to push everyone away. Holding on to something that she's been carrying.

"Precious please look at me.", he said with more desperation. He refused to allow her to draw back. But it's been three months. He doesn't know how to do that in the little time they had together. Who knows when they'll see each other again.

Sage took a deep breath and did so. He looked the same. Avahi held the same kind personality ever since he was a child. There was nothing that Sage couldn't recognize.

He cupped her cheek, "Do not apologize. This is their doing; they are sick and inhumane. I don't ever want to hear you apologize to me, to Rhysand, or any other Fae while in Pyrithians. Do you understand me?"

Sage's eyes widened slightly. She's heard that before. That same phrase but regarding another incident in her life.

"Never apologize or explain kid. They should be sorry, because as much as your parents feared it, you are a monster. People like you don't apologize..... they rage."

Those words echoed in her head. She hadn't thought about it in so long. Simply because she didn't have to. She was secure, comfortable, and happy. Avahi was one of the many reasons for that.

"Ok", she said. Avahi continued to wipe away the last of her tears.

"Good", he nodded his head, returning to his soft lovingly gaze. Little did he know that Sage, was still bringing back all the repressed memories. Taking that and bundling it up in her hold for the next time any of the fae even think to touch her cell bars. But she kept a calm exterior. Her tears stopped flowing and her eyes were focused.

Rhysand outside the cell, was leaning against the wall, head laid back. He stopped listening after Sage started to sob. It was hard for anyone to listen to. But once the crying stopped and the room's tension dissipated, he looked to see them.

Sage had her back against the wall, Avahi had given her his shirt that was without any tears or shreds. He had a arm hooked around her as she struggled to stay awake. It was hard getting any sleep on her own. Every time she'd hear the slightest of sound, she'd startle awake in attempt to defend herself.

She was dozing off, and when her breathing finally became even, Avahi visibly relaxed. He could feel Rhysands gaze as deep brown met the saturated blue of the high Fae. "You know it wasn't her.", he seized, keeping his voice sharp yet quiet, "The damage is done, I hope you're satisfied. Whoever you're trying to protect, and don't say it's not the case, but whoever they are, you make them aware of what you put her through in order to spare them."

Betrayed [Lucien x OC]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz