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   Despite the large terrain the base camp covered, word spread quick. No more than a few seconds of Sage and Lucien distancing themselves from the commander's tent, she's already made an image of herself.

The crazy daughter of the most powerful warrior in the Summer Court.

It had a ring. Better than simply her name that got her dragged here in the first place.

She's still yet come to terms of what possessed her to lash out. But she knew exactly why. And she wasn't the only one tense. Walking just a few feet in front of Sage, Lucien had a sort of power stance to his walk. Like he was her body guard. She rose her eyebrows, looking over him with a  perplexed face.

"Hey...", she lost against her own stubbornness to keep quiet. With a few more strides she met up with his pace, walking side by side. And she looked up to see not just his body was visibly tense. He jaw was tightened, like he was trying to refrain from spewing words he'd regret. She noticed the furrowed brows and deep exhalations beneath the glow of the beating sun. "I don't need you acting like some sort of guard. I had it handled."

Lucien didn't even bother to look down at her. Sage coming to realize not only was he upset with what just occured. But mad at her. She narrowed her eyes, as he worked his jaw to conjure up an appropriate sentence. It was as if no one was around them.

But nonetheless, those who were on the arrangements of training blocks stopped and did their full share, eyeing her like she was a new species.

"You can't just attack anyone who gets on your bad side. He is a trained soldier. If he really wanted to, he would of attacked back." Lucien retorted.

Sage was dumbfounded by his response. As if he was lecturing a new born baby. "I don't care if he was the devil reincarnated he-."

"It was dangerous...", Lucien snapped.

"There's no way in hell you just snapped at me.", Sage walked around to stand in front of him stopping both of them in their tracks. She stared up at him like he was born with two heads. She searched between his golden and russet eyes. Them burning with a rage of fire. Not towards her... but for her. She's recognized that.

Avahi had the same look.

Lucien took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, shunning his gaze away. Sage watched him take even breaths, like he was calming himself from a marathon. A wind gusted between the two, it passing before he opened his eyes back up.

"Why did you attack him anyways?", his voice was settle. Far from the harsh snap he spewed earlier. Sage took kindly to that. She dropped her shoulders, recognizing his soft tone. Though his jaw was still tightened on its hinge.


The word echoed in her brain. It darting between, that of Avahi's sweet voice to the males snarky tone. He had no right to say it in such a way. What once  meant the world to her, a pet-name she treasured from her significant other, was spilled out the mouth of another male with all foul intentions.

Her fist clenched at the close in time memory. "Just.. didn't like his face."

Lucien's eyebrow shot up. "What?", he scoffed. With all humorous undertones. That was the one answer he didn't expect.

Betrayed [Lucien x OC]Where stories live. Discover now