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  "Do you have anything better to do than make sure I don't jump" Sage once again summoned Cassian in a similar manner. He had his hair this time in a bun.

"Not really", he shrugged.

Sage raised her eyebrows in a surprised manner. Cassian was three times her size. Dressed in leathers as if he was ready to go to war. Then the wings, an odd, beautiful pair rhythmically flapping in the wind.

  She found them fascinating, staring at them instead of the town or his face. Cassian noticed it and subtly stretched them out as little.

It was a few more seconds before she broke her gaze, "You're not the same person who watches me at night."

  Cassian wasn't even surprised. From her figuring he was out there even at the distance he kept; he was bound to figure out that he wasn't her 24/7 watch person. He couldn't help the small smirk that started on his lips as Sage narrowed her eyes at the city.

"No, my brother also is concerned for you're safety."

"Is that why you're brother is heading this way right now?", Sage mumbled. This time Cassian scrunched his eyebrows. But two seconds passed when the Azriel winnowed to the top of the House of Wind.

  He looked down at Cassian and tilted his head back to the direction he came from indicating Ryshand called for their switch. But Cassian was too busy shocked at Sage's ability to sense him even before he winnowed. He rose a finger up to him before looking to Sage.

She still felt the most comfortable with her hair covering her forehead, so he barely was able to see her eyes but he knew her attention was on him.

"Impressive", he mused. Sage rolled her eyes.

"Impressive he doesn't have the decency to show his face. I got the inkling fae were cruel. But cruel and disrespectful? Pick a struggle."

Cassian couldn't help but laugh at that. He smiled up to Azriel and shrugged, "You heard her brother. Introductions are at play.", he then looked back to Sage, "But I can assure you we try not to be cruel."

At that instant another beat of wings sounded through the air. Sage only followed the sound with her eyes as she looked up and then was in the presence of another fae. She immediately could tell there weren't biological brothers. But had to have come from the same culture.

  They both had golden/brow skin and dark hair. Though the new fae was a few inches shorter. Not taking away from his bulky frame. His hair was also cut shorter to the tip of his ears. And his eyes glowed with a hazel excellence. And his wings.

They stretched to a span much larger than Cassains. But that didn't take away from both males spewing nothing but power. Even so, Sage just tilted her head slightly waiting for him to say something.

"Azriel", he said. His voice deep. He didn't even try to make it sound soft or inviting. Sage could tell he wasn't the type to hold a conversation. Her night guard was the silent and deadly type.

"Was that hard?", she directed to Azriel. And was expectedly met with a blank stare. She let a small breath break through her nose. And with that Sage stood from her stool and closed the window. It still hadn't been fixed and she rather it be that way.

Betrayed [Lucien x OC]Where stories live. Discover now