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They were finally back into the woods. Nesta was setting up her own tent while Avahi was completing setting the one him and Sage were going to share. Sage was sorting through the stuff she brought along. Because none of them were able to get proper sleep along with the timing of day, they decided to wait till night to venture into the fae territory. In this case they had a smaller chance of being spotted.

"Sage", Nesta called. She walked over to and found that she was struggling with finishing her tent. Sage couldn't help the smile. But Nesta was all serious.

"Need help?", she rose an eyebrow not awaiting an answer before she started arranging out the mess Nesta was doing, "It's inside out for starters." Sage didn't expect Nesta to bother helping her when she was the one that needed hep from the beginning. Instead she watched.

Sage was close to finishing when Avahi joined, not missing the blank stare him and Nesta gave each other. One more meaner than the other.

"Can we at least try to get along.", Sage wasn't looking at either of them when she huffed, "I don't understand the hostility but, it's kind of weird."

The statement was mainly directed towards Nesta. Avahi had told Sage he didn't have any problem with Nesta except the way she doesn't seem to care much beyond herself. But that wasn't his reason for being off about her. It was her attitude towards him that he simply reacted too.

Sage had hope in her eyes, lifting up to see if Nesta would be anything but rude when she tried her best to address and ease the situation. Avahi shook his head subtly. They both were waiting to see if for once, Sage would be able to solve the underlying (very one-sided) feud that Nesta created.

"I'll get some wood for a fire", she started to walk off but Sage wasn't having it .

"No. I'll go.", she said ignoring the quick look Avahi gave her, "We brought some vegetables and some fruit to roast and I'm getting hungry, so I'll make it quick."

Sage practically heard Nesta huff in defeat. The couple walked back over to their tent not to far from hers, so Avahi had to lean down and whisper, "she's just going to crawl back into her tent."

Sage equipped herself with her self-made bow and arrow for protection.

"Don't let her", she rose on the tip of her toes to give him a quick kiss, "I'll be back in a few. What's my time?"

When Sage and Avahi used to camp or travel together, they came up with a tactic. Whoever will be out of range, they'll give each other time. This time is not a strict rule but one that they compromise with depending on the task at hand. Once the time is up, the other would go out to check on them. It is a safety precaution.

"5 minutes", he said making Sage roll her eyes.

"Fine..... 20.", he reached behind her to pull the hood of her coat up. Once again, the tip of her nose was starting to turn just a hint of pink. And it took a lot just to get to that point.

"I'm told you i'm hungry so I don't plan to be out there for more than 15 minutes.", she said, finalizing their time goal. Avahi was still layering her up with another coat that he took off of himself earlier. Building the tents and all the activity had warmed him up enough go without it.

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