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⚠️Mentions of pregnancy complications and suicide⚠️


Sage sat on his rug cutting into a lobster tail when she peered over her shoulder to see Lucien just tying his hair up into a bun. He had just got out of the shower.

Once they entered his room, Lucien had already requested for the meal Sage was digging into. She was expecting just something to snack on, not the lobster, bake potato and vegetables combination. She thanked him but, insisted on taking a shower first, that is until they broke out into a tyrant about her eating first. He won, hence Sage still in her dress.

When he was out, she stood and left the plate on the bedside table. She made her way to the bathing room but the collar of her dress was tugged back. She rolled her eyes and allowed it before facing him. "We made a deal.", he gestured to the plate.

"Actually I said I'd eat, I never specified how much.", she said.

"You barely dented the plate."

"Because I feel sticky and covered in sweat. Doesn't make my appetite rave.", she rolled her eyes. It was entirely playful and he knew so. By being around her so often he could notice the subtle difference between her expressions.

Lucien sighed. He jerked his head to the closet, "You can borrow mine."

She took one of the larger shirts and felt relieved as she watched all of the grim slide off her. She also felt like she washed off the tension from the meeting. The last remains of it gliding off her skin and into the drain.

When she walked out feeling tens times better, in the oversized shirt that hung down to her thighs, Lucien was working on some sort of paperwork. He didn't look up when she got out, but felt as Sage glanced over his shoulder. The wave of lavender and peppermint from her natural sent wafted over his nose.

"What are you doing?", she asked.

"Your father asked me to do some paperwork. Tally armies, map out the newly formed war camps, and-."

"He's asking too much.", Sage shook her head. "I can tell him to ease it off of you and give it to someone else. What happened to Varian?"

Lucien leaned back and tilted his head over his shoulder. "Varian is dealing with Tarquin and the reconstruction of the the areas destroyed from the battle. And it's not too much, I'm okay."

Sage nodded, taking his word for it and ended up sitting on the empty portion of the desk. Lucien controlled every urge in himself to not look at her thighs. The shirt was just a few inches shorter from the dresses she typically wear but, the fact that she's not wearing anything up under it was the ticker. Sage ate the remainder of her food and  yawned at the same time a knock sounded at the door. They both gave each other a sidelong glance. Sage focusing to figure out who it was but there was no trace she could go off of.

That was her first eery feeling. Lucien got up and walked to the door, cracking it just a slight to talk to whoever was on the other side.

"Are you forcing her to stay in here?"

Sage knew that sharp tone. That nasty tone. I'm one swift motion she was behind Lucien peeking over his shoulder to see Nesta.

Betrayed [Lucien x OC]Where stories live. Discover now