Chapter 33

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There's something about love that when you start feeling it, you can't control it anymore...

"We need to talk" Eun Woo said suddenly barging inside Jungkook's bedroom.

"Eun Woo, can't you see I'm still trying to rest?"

"I'm not blind. I can see that. What did you say to Appa yesterday? Why was he pushing me to be married to you as soon as possible? I don't want to lose my freedom." Eun Woo said acting dramatically.

Jungkook did not want to deal with this right now but when Eun Woo opened his door, he doesn't have a choice and his mind was suddenly bombarded with a lot of things. "That is your problem with your dad." He plainly said and tried to go back to sleep.

"Jungkook! This is also your problem! The moment you have agreed to him, that's the moment you are stuck with this family and that you can never go away from him! And now, we're both stuck here so you better give me something. You're the smart one here."

"What do you want me to do? You want me to break up with you again? It won't work! We did those multiple times. I am nothing but a perfect boyfriend to you. I thought the last time we broke up was the very last time. I have loved you and forgiven you multiple times. Not just because we were bound in the contract. I thought you are perfect.

"What I only told him yesterday is that there's no emotion involved in this relationship anymore. My feelings faded even though I thought originally that you're the only one I'll ever love."

"And you haven't touched me since I came home! If only we do the usual sex we have, I won't come to other men. Maybe we can revive the spark that you feel in your chest and we can work on it again. You might love me again" Eun Woo said, sitting on Jungkook's bed and slowly touching his arm.

"Eun Woo, I'm not in the mood. I told you, it's not the same as before. We can't just keep on having sex just because you want to. You also don't want to get pregnant, so what's the sense of having sex."

Eun Woo kissed his cheek sensually and said "For us to do what usual couples do." He said whispering in his ear.

Jungkook moved away from him and stood up from his bed. "That's the problem, we're not usual couples. We are now just bound by the contract. I don't even know when I felt numb with everything you are doing!

"Before, you would come home to me and we get to have all the sex we want, but now you come home to me to remind me about the contract and you go home to any man you admire to have sex with them. You even had the audacity to bring that Japanese actor here in Korea! Did you really think I wouldn't know about it? I'm not stupid, Eun Woo! How can I even touch you again if you were touched by almost every men you've worked with? We can continue with the contract as you've always said."

"Come on, Jungkook." He said, standing face to face with Jungkook and started caressing his arms and chest again. Eun Woo is missing something. Jungkook is like a puppet to him. He can always get what he wants with him. He can play Jungkook's feelings and the other will just allow him.

Jungkook avoided him and pushed him to the bed. "I can't and I won't. If you want to get pregnant, you can do it with someone else. It's not the same as before, Eun Woo." He said then left Eun Woo on the bed, in pure shock. He knows that Eun Woo will not stay anyway and will meet other men to satisfy himself. He's craving to be touched a lot and Jungkook's not sure why. He's always the one initiating any intimate moment and Jungkook was trying to catch up with his wants because he thought at first that it will make Eun Woo stay.

When he revisited the contract few months ago, he realized that there's nothing else that binds them. Atty. Cha is not really a good lawyer. There's not much of clauses given in the contract.

He always thought that no one will attract him just like how he got attracted to Eun Woo when he first met him. He was just in high school that time and still in Busan. He thought that people living in Seoul are really attractive and sophisticated as Eun Woo. When he heard about the contract, he asked his father to agree without knowing Eun Woo more nor understanding the consequences of the contract.

Eun Woo just wants his father's money, which was also not hard-earned. The law firm they have came from his grandfather and there were also hints that he did not get his license for being good, they said it was paid, with their family owning one of the biggest firms in Seoul.


"Junghoon, your son is really smart. What are your thoughts about sending him to study in Seoul?" Mr. Cha said when he met Junghoon, Jungkook's dad, on one of the students' seminar. He has known Junghoon as one of their paralegals from their Busan firm and he has seen Jungkook multiple times. He has seen

"It's my son's dream but we don't have enough money yet to support him if he'll study in Seoul. We can cover for his allowance but the tuition is really high. He's trying his best to get the scholarship in playing football."

"Hmmm. What if he won't get it?"

"There are good schools here in Busan, Mr. Cha."

"What if we get into an agreement?"

"What agreement, Mr. Cha?"

"I have a great admiration for your son. I have seen him read your articles while you were working. He can be a great lawyer someday. I can draft a contract and we can both check if you are good with it. I would like him to marry my son someday. But I'll take care of all his education. I can also take him abroad to study law from there. I think he'll do really good."

"I don't know, Mr. Cha. Maybe, if the two will meet we can check if they will really like each other and let them decide."

"That's a good idea. My son has good looks and I'm sure that Jungkook will like him right away." Mr. Cha said with a smirk.

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