Chapter 27

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"Finally, you're home!" Eun Woo said when Jungkook opened his door.

He swayed a little and went directly to his couch.

"Wait, Jungkook. You did not even greet me and wait... are you drunk?" Eun Woo asked.

"I just had few bottles." Jungkook answered.

"How many bottles is few bottles?" Eun Woo asked with obvious irritation at Jungkook.

"I don't remember." Jungkook said.

"I did not go back to Seoul just to babysit you! You're so irritating right now. Don't go inside the room smelling like alcohol!" Eun Woo said and immediately left Jungkook lying on the couch.

Jungkook closed his eyes wanting to just sleep.

"Kook, wake up! You're heavy! I can't carry you to your room." Jin said trying to pull Jungkook up.

"Jin, you're here!"

"Of course. Where else will I be? Come on, let me change your clothes! I can't let you sleep on my bed with your dirty clothes."

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. I called your brother and sister but they said you were on vacation. I miss you." Jungkook said touching Jin's face.

"I was here all along, Kook. Come on, you smell like alcohol. Let's change your clothes and sleep, hm?"

"No, let's stay here. Here with you forever." Jungkook said pulling Jin to the couch, scared to lose him again.

"Kook wake up! I don't want to stay with you smelling pure alcohol. Argh, why do I even opted to stay with you last night?"

Jungkook woke up and instead of seeing Jin, he saw Eun Woo, clearly irritated. He looked at the time and it's already 7 in the morning. He'll have to get up or he'll be late for his early morning meeting with an important client.

"I'm sorry, Eun Woo." He said.

"Whatever! I am not marrying a drunkard so please stop drinking or I will tell dad about this."

"Stop saying nonsense. I am not a drunkard and this was the first time I came home drunk." He said passing by Eun Woo and went directly to his room to shower.

Jungkook was showering when he remembered about his dream. It's not actually a dream. It happened before, except he never told Jin that he wants to stay with him forever. Jin would always take care of him whenever he comes home drunk because of Eun Woo's endless cheating. He would always go home to Jin's apartment super drunk and Jin would wash his face and change his clothes before he guides him to his bed.

It was just a memory now. It's been a week and he still wasn't seeing Jin. He tried to talk to Mrs. Kim multiple times but the lady is always busy because of the workload left by Jin. He is sure that they know where he is and they're not just telling him. Jin won't make his mom worry.

Taehyung won't also say anything. They can't also bring back the friendship they previously had. Taehyung's confession made him dislike his own friend. If Jin will be back, he hopes he won't contact Taehyung because he promised that he will take Jin away from me. He punched the wall of the shower room as he cried not knowing what to do. He lost Jin and he can't bring him back anymore. He's a mess without Jin but he can't even tell him what he feels for him because he's scared to hurt him again, or maybe he's still not sure.


3 months after

"Hello, Mr. Kim?"

"Yes, speaking. Who am I talking to?" Jin answered.

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